Chapter 38

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After the somewhat heated night at the Gryffindor Common Room, Lizzy and Caleb haven't entirely been on speaking terms with Y/N? Mainly because the tension around them was still hot but also because it was quite awkward.

Aidan however had been constantly trying to bribe one of them to start talking because for one, he hated tension or any sort of drama between friends.

Though, his efforts hadn't quite made the difference as the hard headed Y/N would never be the one to give in during an argument and you could say Caleb nor Lizzy were planning to do the same either.

But somehow they found themselves gathered together alongside the Golden Trio in front of Hagrid's Hut. What were they doing there you ask? It was Hagrid who had called them but never really explained why, he was quite secretive when he called the group.

Anyhow, Harry knocked onto Hagrid's door and very slowly the door creaked open, revealing Hagrid who still had what seems like fresh wounds on his face which sparked suspicion within the Ravenclaw but it seemed that it wasn't only her who had noticed.

Hagrid didn't mutter a word as he left his hut. He looked very suspicious, he kept looking around as if double, even triple checking if anybody were following them as he led the group into the Forbidden Forest.

Y/N could sense something off about this entire situation, she remembered the last time Hagrid was this secretive. Oh no, wait, he couldn't have possibly got another dragon did he? 

"Any idea where he's taking us?" Ron whispered, the first to ever say something as they continued following Hagrid deeper into the Forest. Though, no one had any sort of clue or hint where they were being taken to either.

"Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry questioned somewhat impatiently as Y/N hummed in agreement. "Hagrid you can't bring us somewhere and not say word-"

Just then, a bunch of loud heavy footsteps, more like gaiting was heard. "I've never seen the centaurs so riled." Hagrid said as a crowd of centaurs began gaiting hurriedly towards another direction.

Y/N didn't know why but it was as if her instincts or reflex made her hand motion around Hermione's waist in a somewhat protective way, tugging her back just slightly with the grip around her waist firm and tight.

"And they're dangerous the best of times." Hagrid added, "The Ministry restricts their territory much more, they'll have a full uprising on their hands."

"Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione asked, a question the entire group would like to know as the eerie feeling of the dark Forbidden Forest began to creep up their spines.

"I'm sorry to be so mysterious..." Hagrid mumbled as he started to fiddle his fingers together nervously, "I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it but with Dumbledore gone...I'll likely be getting the sack any day now."

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