Chapter 29

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"Should we make him hold a wand?" Y/N questioned with a slight hint of playfulness in her tone as she observed the lopsided snowman in front of her, the black dots that were considered as eyes for the snowman weren't quite leveled, one noticeably higher than the other.

The smile was sort of like a sad but happy one, honestly just confusing. Then it didn't have a nose which kinda reminded the Ravenclaw of a certain dark wizard....but she didn't bother to speak her opinion about it.

Then the stick arms were very much too small for the size of the snowman's body, it looked like it had chicken arms in a way. Anyhow Y/N still felt some sort of pride considering she never really legitimately built a snowman by hand before, her parents would always use magic to help her when she was younger.

"Here." Hermione said as she held out a skinny small stick towards the Ravenclaw, "do the honors and make him a wizard."

A laugh escaped the Ravenclaw at the fake deep tone Hermione tried to reciprocate from some type of knight narrator they'd usually see in muggle movies. Though, that didn't stop her from playing along as she took the stick and stepped a step closer to the snowman.

"I shall now name you a wizard." she said, attempting to sound like a king from the old ages as she stuck the wand-stick into the snowman's tiny stick arms, "a wand specially made by Ollivander himself, may you keep him proud."

Y/N and Hermione shared a laugh, it was like nothing in the world really mattered at that point as they had made an achievement by building their first snowman without magic together.

However, as they were both sharing a moment they failed to realise a certain person sneaking up right behind them, a certain female ginger head who slowly crept behind them while holding something tightly in her hand.

Splat! A sudden urge of coldness slammed Y/N right on the back of her head causing her eyes to snap wide open as shivers were sent right down her spine. She immediately spun around to be met with Ginny laughing hysterically at her while clutching her stomach.

The Ravenclaw eyes narrowed at the ginger girl but she was laughing too hard to really realise it. "Oh you're so getting it." she muttered under her breath as she quickly reached down and gathered snow in her palms, forming it into a ball shape.

Though, once she stood back up it seemed that Ginny had already took the note as she began to run away from her, but Y/N being Y/N she wasn't planning on letting her go so easily.

"Be right back." the Ravenclaw said quickly as she kicked off towards Ginny. Yes, she can fly fast on a broom but that doesn't mean she couldn't run fast on her feet as she now trailed just a few feet behind Ginny.

They ran past Lizzy and Ron who were indulged in what looked like a deep conversation before their attention was snatched away towards the two girls in front of them. "Take this!" Y/N shouted as she launched the snowball in her hands towards Ginny, but when the splat was heard, Ginny wasn't the one wet.

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