please read:)

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hey! it's been a good moment, i just want to check up with everyone. how are you doing? have you ate today? maybe drank some water? it's important to put yourself first, your mental health matters, you matter. if you're struggling, please listen to these words. pain is temporary. i know it might not seem like it right now but this pain your feeling, will not last forever. find something to do, kind of like a hobby. find something to motivate you to keep going, it could be your friends, family, your s/o, your pet(s) or even youtuber/ actors. you are worth so much more than you think, you are special and i know you don't feel that way but you are. you are so strong, you've made it all the way to today! that's huge and i'm proud of you. it may feel like your unimportant or nothing, but that is not true. you have a purpose and you are here for a reason. keep being the best version of yourself, and never give up on yourself. if you ever need to talk to someone, i'm always here. my instagram is in my bio and as well is my tiktok. never be afraid to ask for help. i love you.

i wrote this just to remind you all that you are amazing and special!! have a great day/night/evening and go read some more stories my love!<3

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