goodbye montana part 1

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"hey cat?" chris called my name as he walked out into the living room. "yeah?" i ask sketching in a notebook. he sits down on the couch in front of me. he didnt say anything for a while. "babe?" i put my hand on his leg, pushed my glasses up from falling off my face and went back to sketching. "im bisexual" he chokes up. "okay" i say not looking up at him. "you're not mad?" he asked. i look up and smile. "of course im not! dude you know im pan" i push him a little laughing. "oh yeah i forgot" he slaps his face with his hand.

"while you're here, i have a question to ask." i close my notebook. "i have a house in Montana, obviously. but i'm not going back there and i don't know what i'm supposed to do or where to live because i feel like i'm overstaying" he looks at me confused.

"you're my girlfriend, you live with me i thought?" "well you never asked me to live with you so i assumed i had to find somewhere to live soon" i ramble on and on. "well you live here for all i know" he smiles. "how about we just get the rest of your stuff and you permanently move to NC?" it wasn't a bad idea.

"you ready?" i ask chris. he smiles and nods his head, he reaches out his hand to mine. we walk into the plane and sat in our seats. "this is my third time this year i've been on a plane" i rub my eyes. "i have never been to montana" he says. "i think you'll like it" i put my head on his shoulder getting sleepy. why do i sleep on the plane so much? it makes it much faster and less boring

"cat" chris whispered to me and i sat up. "we're here" he says pointing to all the people leaving. i smile, and i jump up excited. i ran out of the plane while chris was still grabbing our bags. he finally caught up with me. "maybe we can have my brothers help me pack up" i look through my contacts. chris laughs nervously.

"what?" i look at him. "i've never met your brothers before, what if they hate me" he freaks out. "oh you'll be fine, they're super nice!" i laugh. we get an uber to my house. i decided to call my brothers and a friend from high school to come help us. we get out of the car when we reach my house. "wow this is so weird" i say grabbing my keys. we walk in and i smile big. "alright, my brothers and my friend are on their way so we have a few minutes."

the sun was shining and i opened the garage and i see my oldest brothers car pull up. i jump up and down, i haven't seen them in almost 2 years. "Landen!!" i yell running to my brother getting out of his car. "kitty!" he holds his arms opens and i hugged him. "i missed you" he swings me in a circle. "oh yeah this is my boyfriend, Chris." landen looks over to him and gave him a stare, i hit him in the gut. "nice to meet you" chris holds out his hand and they shake hands. "where's jonas?" i ask. "he should be pulling up any minute" landen turns around.

a couple minutes i see Jonah and my friend pull up into the drive way. they get out of his jeep and Jonah ran to me. "Jonas!!" he picks me up hugging me. "hey kitty! how've you been?" he sets me down on my feet and kisses the top of my head. "good, Jonas. this is my boyfriend Chris" he looks ahead into the garage and his eyes went wide. "CAT you're telling me you're dating THE Chris from mrbeast?!" he screamed. "yeah" i laugh. he runs up to him. "it's so cool to meet you dude" Jonas fan girled over him.

i see my friend come out of the car, wow did he get tall or what? "rian?" i laugh looking at the giant. "hey cat" my neck is gonna get tired from looking up too much. "did i get taller or did you get shorter?" he laughs. "chris this is a friend from high school, rian." they shake hands. "okay listen up, as you all know i'm permanently moving to NC and i need the house empty, there are boxes downstairs and just try to get anything you think i would want with me." i clap my hands and they all get to work.

i go up to my room and looked at all of my stuff. "you need some help?" Chris says holding boxes. "yes!" i grab a box from him and packed all of my squish mallows. "you have a lot of those, it's cute" he chuckles. i grabbed all of my chains and skirts. at this point i don't even know if i'm goth anymore. i mean it's so hot down there i usually wear something that won't make me melt. well what i have on now are just shorts and a mrbeast hoodie.

"hey landen and jonas" i yell from the kitchen they both run from outside. "what's up" they ask. "well since we can't go on a plane with all of this shit, would you guys mind giving us a ride back home?" i smile nervously. they didn't look like they wanted to, i sighed. "you guys can stay for a bit and meet mrbeast and the crew?" i tried. "im in" Jonas stands next to me and we both look at landen. "okay fine".

we were almost done packing up all of my stuff and i went all around my house to check if we missed anything. "uh cat?" jonas calls my name. "yeah?" i yell across the house. "mom's here" i go downstairs towards the front door to see her standing there. "what are you doing here?" i cross my arms. "well i heard you came back home, so i wanted to see you" "that's a first" i whisper to myself. "well unfortunately im not staying here long. im moving to north carolina." she looks over to Chris.

"who's this" she asked. "my boyfriend" it went silent, awkward. "so how have you been mom?" Jonas asked. "good, i got remarried and im pregnant! he already had to girls so it's like a new family" she immediately regretted saying that. i stood there, hurt by what she said. i feel tears coming back i forced myself not to. "well you can leave now" i say with gritted teeth. "excuse me?" she asked. "yeah you heard me, get back to your perfect new family that is probably rich and treats you amazing. they know about you? you're drinking problem? you leaving your husband because he was too poor? you not even caring about your own fucking children and just leaving them? do they know about that mom?" i tremble on my words.

she doesn't say anything. "i didn't abandon you" she softly says in a angry tone "bullshit, get out" i walk up to my room and sat on my bed. crying, my body shaking. i felt like i was gonna get sick. Chris opens my door to see me, he rushes over to hold me rubbing my back. "shhh, breathe baby, breathe." i cry hard. "she's a liar!" i scream.

"dad got kicked out, my brothers were in school and i was there. taking care of my own mother and she still didn't love me. i tried so hard but no she didn't care. she cared about those damn drugs more than me." i yell trying to breath. "you're okay now, you're with me, jimmy,chandler, karl, maddie, garrett, viking, tyler. you have us and we love you so much cat" he whispers holding me.

Chris got me to calm down and i got up from my bed and went out to the living room to see my brothers sitting there. they stand up and landen gives me a hug. "let's get out of here"we got the car packed. "we might need a bigger ride" i say looking at the Jonas's jeep. "we can use my mini van" landen volunteers. "thanks!" we moved all of my stuff into his car. "does anyone need to pee?" i ask. "actually i have to" i run into the house real quick and came back to the car to see Jonas in the front seat. i look at him. "Jonas.." landen says. "what?" he asks. "you know i get carsick if i don't sit in the front" i raise an eyebrow at him. "fine" he gets out and sit in the middle. Chris gets in the drivers seat and starts up the car. "here we come NC!" i yell

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