scary bois

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October 30

"happy halloween eve!" karl screams and makes me fall out of my bed from sleeping. "jesus! you scared the shit out of me." i groan. "cmon we've got stuff to do!" he pulls my arm. "give me a sec to stand up." i laugh and get up from the floor. i put on some sweats and a mrbeast shirt on. "ITS 1PM!" i scream looking at my phone. why did no one wake me up earlier.

i go out into the living room, to see chandler, jimmy and chris. "ah good morning sleepyhead! we've got some plans for today!" jimmy laughs, i nod and fall on to chandler and chris laying there. "since tomorrow is halloween, i was thinking we go to a corn maze and then a haunted house and then go to an abandoned prison."

a. lot. to. take. in.
"sounds fun!" i say, jimmy smiles in satisfaction. "cmon! we have to go to the corn maze!!" jimmy drags me on the floor. i stand up and huffed. i go into my room and i put on a light pink tank crop top on and a big flannel on and wore black pants with my black vans.

i go with chris in his truck and we decided to stop at mcdonald's. "can i have a milkshake with fries please." i ask chris and the he orders. "thanks" i slurp down my milkshake. i look out the window to see the colorful trees and the clear blue sky. you can smell the autumn sent in the air.

we get there and see the rest of the boys already getting out of their cars. we go in the line for the corn maze and we got pair up. chandler and karl, maddie and jimmy, chris and me. "i'm gonna hate this." i laugh and sigh. "why?" chirs asked. "long story short i became claustrophobic" i shiver. "it's fine, i'll be there with you." he rubs my arm.

"okay here we go." i shiver and chris holds out his hand and i look at him and then look down to his hand, i put my hand on his and intertwined our hands together. we walk in and i was fine and im gonna be okay. "see? not bad!" chris laughs and i push him. "it's true" i agreed.

2 minutes later
"GET ME OUT" i scream on the top of my lungs. "hey! hey, calm down. breathe." chris says putting his arm around my shoulders. i start to hyperventilate and sweat and shake, fuck. panic attack. i feel dizzy. "oh no not again." i grunt. "what? what's wrong?" he asked concerned. "panic attack." i spat out.

as we walked through the corn maze i start to think it's not bad at all. i mean we won't get lost so i don't have to worry. chris says he's here to protect me so i trust im gonna be okay.

"WE MADE IT" i fall to the ground on my knees. "i could get used to you in that position" chris mutters thinking i couldn't here him. i act like i don't but i laugh "good job cat and chris!" jimmy claps. i jump up and down, i grab chris's hands and made him do it too. "well cmon gang we have more to do." jimmy says walking off. "wait! caramel apples!" chandler says running to a tent set up with food. we all get some and we got in the truck.

me and chris stop at wendy's for some dinner. "can i please have a frosty." i begged chris. "as long as you don't make a mess in my newer truck!" he says in a serious tone. i get a baconator with a large fry.

we get to a place i don't recognize and it's lit up by a bunch or fairy lights EVERYWHERE. we get out of the car and met up with rest of the crew. "welcome to the haunted forest!" jimmy smiles. "sick!" i say. "oh honk." karl gulps. "we'll go with the same people we went with in the corn maze, whoever gets scared the least wins 10,000." jimmy talks to the camera. he gives us all gopros since chris is taller than me he was teasing me by holding it up high in the air when i'm trying to grab it.

when we got in the front of the line i heard people talking about how terrifying it is. i heard screams from the area. i start to shake a bit but i remind myself it's fake and for the adrenaline rush, i got this.

we walked into the trees practically holding each other from the side, he held my hand and his other hand held my waist. "chris we'll be fine" as im literally shaking. the first part wasn't bad just some "creepy" decoration and really cool neon lights lighting the path way up.

as we're walking a person in a pig mask goes up in front of us, holding a chain and we all just stand there looking at each other and the pig man slaps his chain on the ground causing me to scream and i grabbed chris and ran past the scarer.

(sorry for not putting more details in this part, im literally writing this rn at 2am so i'm exhausted and i don't feel like it so i'm sorry)

the forest ended and we were back at the beginning, sweaty and still shaking. the color of my skin drained, sweat dripping down chirs's forehead. we were like glued to each other and honestly we didn't have a problem with it. "woah are you guys okay?" chandler asked. i walk up to him and clung on to his waist. "yeah yeah i'm fine" i nervously laugh.

"let's get going." jimmy says and chris pulls my arm and walks me to the truck. i sit in the front seat and fell asleep to chris's playlist on in the background. "always in the truck." chris laughs at me and rubs my arm.

i could here chris's phone ringing.
"hey jimmy?"
"im just gonna take cat home, she fell asleep so i don't think she'll want to get up"
"oh ok that's fine, goodnight see you tomorrow"
"night jimmy"
chris hangs up, and continues to drive us home. when we got there i woke up a bit to him carrying me inside. setting me down on the guest bed.

i wake up around 3am, wide awake and bored so i got up and went into the living room to watch tv. as i was turning the tv on i heard someone singing, i walk around trying to find where it was coming from and went towards chris's room and found it. he was singing and i think playing the guitar too.

i walk in and he screams, jumping. "i could've been changing" he gasps. "at 3am?" i chuckle. "you sound really good, is that an original?" i ask sitting down on his bed. "yeah, i usually play late at night so no one can here me" i frown. "why? you've got a great voice and can shred on that" i pointed to his guitar. he laughs. "thanks, but i don't know why, i just feel more comfortable by myself singing" he shrugs. "oh wait im sorry i didn't mean to burst in" i stood up. "no you're good" he sits me back down.

"wanna try something with me?" he asks looking through his sheet music. "have you ever heard of julie and the phantoms?" he asks. i nod. "i love that show" i smile. "you know this song?" he points to a paper. "yeah" he smiles and starts strumming and sung the first part.

"step into my world,bitter sweet love story about a girl"he stops and i start to join in. "here in front of me,shining so much brighter then i have ever seen" i sing along and we started getting louder. "a perfect harmony" we both ended singing looking at each other.

"you know we could make good singers" he was so close to my face i could feel his breath on my lips and we both break by laughing. "ok wow that was fun" he stands up putting his guitar away. "well im not tired at all, wanna do something?" i ask him standing up. "let's go to walmart" he says. "random but ok!" we both walk out his room.

i grab a mrbeast hoodie and put on some flip flops and we got in his truck. playing striptease by carwash and we got there and walked in. barely anyone was there so we decided that was the perfect opportunity to go crazy. we ran through isles, played with sunglasses and got snacks. "red bull?" i ask laughing at chris. "uhm yes i love them" i gag. "you can't say anything while you're getting a monster and the original kind" i gasp. "how dare you" we both laugh.

we got home 30 minutes later with bags full of candy, drinks and snacks. "movie time" i yell and i sit down on the couch. "we're definitely watching the conjuring" i grab the remote. "the second one is better" he reaches for the remote as well. "hey!" we both try to grab it at the same time and i won. "ha" i stuck my tongue out. falling asleep around the middle of the movie.

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