cheese balls

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1 week later

"today we'll be spending 24 on the top of that mountain!" jimmy says to the camera. "that's so far up" i complain, karl comes up next to me. chris pushes him and stands next to me. "cmon crew! we've got some hiking to do!" jimmy walks to the start. oh well, tell my one friend i love her if i end up dead.

2 hours in
sweat drips from my forehead and i want to give up. "my legs are killing me!" "are we there yet?" "can we take a break?" we all complained. "awh guys, we're almost there!" jimmy said. i love traveling but i hate hiking. after a good 34 minutes we finally reached the top and we still have to set everything up. "CHEESE BALLS CHANDLER!" chris yells. i look over to see chandler with a box of cheese balls that he pulled from his bag. "i am not complaining, im starving" i put my hand in the container. chris laughs and grabs some himself

"so you guys... we're running out of water so we're gonna make a group go and find some more water" jimmy says to the camera. "who wants to go" chris asks holding his stick up. "i will!" i hold my stick  up chuckling. me, garrett chris and the other jake go to search for water leaving jimmy and chandler and karl alone. not a good idea. "look after them viking!" chirs yells to jake, he holds a thumbs up.

it starts to get dark and i can barely see anything, we already got some water and we were heading back to the camp. my phone dies so i didn't have a light. i keep walking hoping i don't fall off and die. i trip on something big and i feel part of my skin ripping open. "shit" i breathe in. i didn't hear the boys, shit. "GARRETT" "JAKE" i attempt to scream, fine. i have to be louder. "CHRIS!" i scream at the top of my lungs.

Chris pov:
"CHRIS!" i heard cat scream, where is she? i thought to myself. "guys i have to go back, cat sounds like she got hurt." i run as fast i could  back to her not worrying about falling. i bring a flashlight and i see her on the ground tears on her cheeks and part of her leg cut open. "holy.." i get down on my knees and checked it out

chris picks me up and runs back to the others and im there in fucking pain. "shh, you'll be fine" he says panting. i felt like i was gonna pass out right then and there. "it hurts" i grunt. "i know, we're almost there." he says. "woah! what the honk happened?!" karl asks rushing towards chris and me in his arms. "she needs stitches, it's deep." chris says concerned. jimmy nods and makes a phone call.

sooner than later a helicopter comes and grabs me and puts me in. "i'm going with her" chris says climbing the latter to the helicopter. i feel my eyes close and i try to keep them open. "it's okay, close your eyes" chris says rubbing my shoulder. then my eyes close and everything was a blur.

i wake up in chris's house in the guest room again, did the day just repeat? i try to get up but i wince in pain and see my leg all sewed up. i stand up and limp my way out of the room. i see chris sitting on the couch on his phone he looks up at me. "woah woah! sit down" he says pulling me to the couch and he hands me a coffee from starbucks. "thanks" i say.

"what exactly happened last night?" i ask him. "well basically to sum it up, you got hurt and lost and then we went to the hospital." he states. that's when it hit me, he ran to me and swooped me off my feet because he cares about me. "why did you come back for me?" i ask like i'm clueless. "because i care about you." he says aha! i was right. he cares about me.

sorry for the short chapter! i had no ideas for this chapter and im stressing about school so y'a know. miss girl is a little busy. im so so sorry you all! love you and have a good day!

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