the end.

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3 weeks later
i put the last of our bags in the back of the truck. chris grabs his keys and puts them in his pockets. "have everything?" he asks. "i think so" i look at the bags. "wait!" chris runs back inside, then running back with blankets. "we're gonna need a lot of these for you" he throws them in the back seat. "very funny" i mock him.

"well, i guess this is it for now" i smile, looking at all the friends i'm so grateful for. i squeeze onto maddie. "tell pinky i love her" i say over her shoulder. karl laughs next to her, i give him a hug. "don't listen to the hate,you're wonderful" i say into the hug. chandler holds his arms out, i hug him too. "find someone who loves you and will treat you the way you should be treated" i whisper. "alright alright my turn"

jimmy hugs me, tight. "we all know maddie loves me more than you" i can't help but laugh. "yeah right" he shoves my shoulder. chris goes up and to chandler, giving him a big hug. "okay, we gotta go!" i get into the car. chris runs over and gets in.

i open my window and looked back at them, waving at us. i wave back. "call us when you have a video to film" i shout to jimmy as we drove away. on our wedding day, chris said we should travel as much as we could. so we are, we're gonna keep going until we run out of countries. that's our future, maybe a unusual plan but a plan i couldn't say no to. i mean who would say no to traveling all around the world? it's a pretty sweet deal.

and this all happened, because of a tweet.

well that's the end! thank you all so much for reading this, i had no idea so many people were gonna read this. it was just me crushing on chris and decided to make a story. this wasn't the greatest story that i planned it out to be, i started rushing because i was loosing interest in this book but i finally finished it after MONTHS of writing, staying up until 3am, barely focusing on school bc of this. i can do way better than this story, trust me. but i'm currently writing another story, it's a little different and i'm actually taking my time with it. once i get some more chapters in, i will publish it and i hope you guys enjoy it too! thanks for the support and the funny comments. much love - ava

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