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day of wedding
"no we need to have the cake in the middle of table so there's room for napkins and silverware and other deserts." maddie yells pointing her finger. "cmon guys its the wedding day we have shit to do" chandler yells carrying in chairs. "karl you got it?" jimmy asks looking back at him struggling with the cake. "careful!" maddie runs up to him helping him set it down

i look around, to see all the decorations and the amount of people working to make this happen. "woah" i laugh. "took it right out of my mouth" chris says. "there you guys are!" maddie makes her way over to us. she hugs the both of us. "we have makeup and hair to do at 3, remember that, looks like you showered. great!" she rushes back to karl. "i love you maddie" i yell to her.

around 2:30 me and chris had to get our suit and dress on. "see you at the wedding?" he asks. "of course" i smile and then getting dragged by my hand. we go into a dressing room with a bunch of girls in there. "these are the ones who are gonna do our makeup and hair and helping us with the dressing" maddie points to all the ladies.

"good thing i've been eating healthier and eating less or i would not be able to fit in this" i laugh at myself. finally the dress was on me. "good thing i only have to wear this for one day" i sigh. i put on matching heels that make me at least 3 inches taller. "what are we thinking with the hair" cara asks. "half up in a bun and half down for me" i say.

after our makeup and hair was done it was 4:20pm, never realized they took that long. i bet chris and all the guys are getting tired already. i peek my head out into the main era to see people filling out the chairs. i saw jonas and landen, my smile widened. "okay are we ready?" maddie asks. we all nod our heads.

sooner than later, chris goes up to the front and then all his best men. where's jimmy? then maddie and a few other friends go out and the flower girl goes out too. this is gonna be awkward, walking out there alone. i open the dressing room door and i stood in the hallway for a minute.

i felt a lump in my throat, i was trying to keep myself from crying. im not nervous i'm just upset that my dad didn't take the offer to walk me down to isle. "cat" i turned to see jimmy. "what are you doing?? you're supposed to be out there with chris" i freaked out. he puts his arm out in front of me. "come with me" he says. i put my arm linked with his. i felt my breathing stutter a bit.

he walks me out into area with everyone there, looking at us. jonas smiles at me. "what is happening" i whispered to him. "i'm walking you down the isle" he whispers back. it finally hits me, and my heart warms. we get all the way down into the front and i see chris there with a big cheeky smile. we stop and i turned to hug jimmy. "thank you" i say into his shoulder. "go get married now" he kisses my forehead.

i walk over in front of chris and smiled. "time to read the vows" the priest says. chris looks down to the ground trying not cry like a baby. "you wanna go first or me" i laugh. "i'll go" he offers.

"god where do i even start? when we first met i knew there was something special about you but i didn't quite know what it was yet, i got to know you and i fell in love with you. everything about you i adore, you're the person i see dancing at 2am in the kitchen with, going swimming at night with, and spending the rest of my life with. you're my best friend and i wanna keep making memories with you. i love you asshole" we both laugh.

"wow how am i supposed to compete with that? well i'll start of by saying you're my reason. my reason i'm breathing, the reason i keep going and i want you to be my reason for the rest of our lives. all of this happened just because of jimmy tweeting that you guys needed friends and i got my whole life from it. these past years i've known you have been the best times of my life, and i'm so excited to see what we do now"

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