12. Another Incident

Start from the beginning

Once Yunho was ready to start into the day, the two of them sat down on the divans to have breakfast together. For now, the coast was clear of San, so Mingi would selfishly make use of the time Yunho dedicated to him usually.

"A message just arrived for you. I put it on the table," Mingi explained when Yunho's eyes curiously settled on the paper. The prince hummed and reached for it to break the seal and unwrap the silky ribbon smoothly. His eyes flicked over the page as he read.

Mingi already tasted his bread as he watched the prince's expression change. Like a storm cloud, his face darkened with apprehension. His eyebrows drew together in upset. Gulping, Mingi lowered his bread.

He didn't ask, unsure if he was allowed access to the private information. Mindful of his reactions, however, Yunho set the paper down with a sigh and reached for his bowl.

"Another attack on demons. This time, closer to our borders. It seems like the pixie villain is closing in on our kingdom. He stole the horns of four high-ranking officials."

Mingi glanced at the paper nervously. He didn't like that news. He didn't like that the threat neared and that this pixie had attacked about a dozen demons successfully by now. Pixies were small and fragile. They were not supposed to bestow terror.

"Do you think they might come here?" Mingi asked in a small voice. When Yunho tried to smile reassuringly at him, his grin froze into a grimace. A demon's horns were a dangerous objective to have. Both their ego, and their lives could depend on them.

"I hope they don't. I don't want to hear such dreadful word within my kingdom. I will mention this to my father and San later. We should take measures against this matter as soon as possible."

When Yunho still found the same disturbed expression on Mingi's features, his smile softened. It melted back into its normal form.

"Don't worry, Mingi. I'll do my best to protect everyone."

But if Yunho protected everyone, who would protect Yunho? The man with the most beautiful horns in the five realms and their crown prince? Whatever that pixie was after, he would find it with him.

Mingi nodded shakily. He steeled his own nerves. Jongho would protect Yunho. And all the other guards. San, even. And in the utmost scenario, Mingi would protect him, too, even if he knew nothing about fighting.

A dim shadow hovered over them during the rest of their meal. Not even the warm fire could fend it off, and their conversation was scarce, for both of them kept slipping back into the world of their woes.

After he had finished eating, Yunho leaned back on the divan to think for a while. When his misty eyes found Mingi again later, they held an emotion that Mingi couldn't interpret.

"Say, Mingi, how about we take tomorrow off to explore your homelands? I want a break from these matters before I fully dedicate myself to them and I promised."

His suggestion brought the smiles back to both of their lips. When Mingi instantly nodded cheerfully, Yunho satisfiedly clasped his hands together. Then Mingi simmered down again when he remembered San.

"Ah, will Prince San join us, too?"

He tried to keep any annoyance and jealousy out of his voice. Yet, the little quirk of Yunho's brow gave away that he had picked up on it. The corners of his lips curled.

"Let's go, just the two of us. I can have Yeosang bother San with something else tomorrow. Is that what you want?"

Mingi nodded sheepishly, glad that he could be honest with Yunho without getting condemned. As usual, the prince took it in stride. They continued their breakfast in more peace. By the time Mingi collected their bowls to bring the tray back into the kitchen, the next visitor already rapped their fingers on the door.

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