"The hell! How did you guys get pass me so easily. I'm very fast for a fat girl and I was way ahead of you guy's. That was impossible, so, what's your secret?"

Chuckling Damon says "Hey, you lost so no ice-cream for you."

" What! I bought the ice-cream. How can I not get any of the ice-cream I bought?"

"Wh...mom that's unfair." says Desmon "So what? It's my ice-cream."

We spent the next 5 hours playing multiple rounds of a virtual gun game I forgot the name of.

So the way this game is played is, you stand in front of your tv, in our case a big ass flat screen almost as wide and long as the wall it is plastered on, and hold a gamer gun in your hand and go on military missions or develop an army of your own and go against your opponent. We were playing the latter and I won a couple rounds and lost some. By the time we finished, we were all starving and decided to order pizza and some Chinese food.

The minute we started eating the kids were moaning their asses off.

After eating we sat around, had some conversations and watched a couple movies until we all dozed off one by one. I made sure I was the last to fall asleep.

Time skips to Monday

As you all know by now, tomorrow is the day for my death. Tomorrow is the day of the talent show meeting and I'm dreading it. I'm currently walking around the house supervising the kids on their chores.
I know it's Monday and they should be in school but, they didn't want to go today for some reason and there were alot of chores that needed to be done around the house and I was feeling really lazy. Told them if the stayed home they'll have to help out around the house. So, they're helping out around the house.

It isn't much since I did most of them yesterday.

Damon is mowing the lawn, Desmon is doing the laundry, Dwacia is cleaning the kitchen, Deshawn is packing away his toys and straightening his book shelf(with my help of course) and Damarian is cleaning the pool area we used yesterday.

Yes yesterday we went swimming in the indoor pool. We also went to the fair, the movies, the park then finished it off by stopping at KFC and a pastry shop.

While I was showing Dwacia how to clean the oven, Deshawn comes running into the kitchen with my phone in his hand.
"Mom, Dad wants to talk to you." he says excitedly handing me the phone, but before taking it I wondered out aloud "What does he want to talk to me for? We just talked yesterday morning, I haven't done anything wrong since."

"Mom really?" says Dwacia giving me a 'your lieing' look "What? I truly haven't done anything wrong. At least I think I haven't do anything wrong."

"You don't remember what happened at the pastry shop yesterday?" she asks

Yesterday at the Pastry shop

"ICE-CREAM!" yelled Deshawn as he runs over to the Ice-cream section of the pastry store we just entered.
"Mmhm, yeah, Ice-cream. So, What flavor or flavors are you guys having. That is if you want I ice-cream."
"I want chocolate." screamed Deshawn
"Me too but I want it mixed with strawberry." said Dwacia
"I want rocky road with vanilla." said Damon
"I want the same." said Desmon
"eh I'll just have coffee" said Damarian

"What are you having mom?" Deshawn smiling up at me

"She shouldn't be having anything she's already too big. She looks like she weighs 500lbs.

"No one was talking to you asshole." said Dwacia giving the guy the stink eye

"Girl you better watch your mouth before I knock it off." I said

"But mo."  "No!"

" That's why. That's why people like you shouldn't be allowed around our children. You people don't know how to raise your kids and that's why they become gang members and strippers in the future. We don't want you people turning our kids in to psychopaths and murderer's. Go back to where you came from." he shouted waving his arms around and pointing at me and all the white people in the store, who look uncomfortable and frustrated.

Once he was finished and turned back around to face us, he was punched in the face and flew(literally) through the glass window of the store shattering the entire window.

Ordering my mint chocolate ice-cream, I grabbed the kids and rushed out of the store stepping over the guy and into the car.

Once we were in the car I scolded/prasied the kids for defending me against that idiot, and made it known that I was about to handle it myself, they just beat me to it.

Oh, and if your wondering, I didn't punch the guy, even though I was about to, Damon did.

Back to the present

"That wasn't me, that was Damon." I said
"Yeah, but it all happened over an argument about you?" she says and turns back around to continue doing the chores I didn't feel like doing.

I sighed "Fine, give me the phone. "
"What the hell is going on over there? Are you alright? I heard what happened. Damon should've punched him a couple more times." he shouted into the phone sounding angry.

"Yeah I'm fine, it was nothing I couldn't handle, only Damon handled it for I could."

Then suddenly my mood changes "So, want to tell me why Dwacia's school sent me a letter about a talent show, stating that you requested I attend and enter the show with her as her mother?"

"ummm, gotta go, love you, bye" he hastly shouts into the phone hanging up immediately

Laughing loudly I catch the attention of Dwacia and Desmon who was walking through the kitchen with a laundry basket in hand. "What's so funny?" They asked at the same time

"Just your dad being his nervous self"  "Now, get back to work!"

"You love bossing us around don't you?" said Desmon rolling his eyes

"Yes, yes I do."

I'm so sorry about the late update guys. I was busy and was trying to finish it post it yesterday, but obviously that didn't happen. Sorry if the chapter wasn't opening, I accidentally published it and it wasnt finished so I took it down. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

You know what to do at the end.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Where stories live. Discover now