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Two days after the attack on the Omelas.

Place: Suzdal kingdom

Finally, after a ten-day journey, they reached the old woman's cottage...

The forest in which she lives is surrounded by hills to the west of the Suzdal kingdom. And her cottage exists right middle of the forest.

For the hills, only at noon when the sun is right above the head; then the forest gets sunlight otherwise the forest is so shady & foggy...

Seokjin also noticed there are just a few animals in this forest... Only small insects & harmless non-toxic snakes can be seen...

There were no roads made through the forest. There were bushes all over the ground. And trees & trees. A dense forest. Seokjin wonders, how can someone survive in this forest all alone?

Reaching in front of the cottage, they stopped their horses... Taehyung was the first person to get down from his horse... Namjoon, Seokjin, Lisa one by one get down from their horses...

Moving back, "Your majesty... Please don't step inside her yard without her permission... Also, please do everything as I have told you..."

Jin nods...

Stepping forward, Taehyung stopped one step away from her cottage yard. Taking a deep breath, "The deceased!
The deceased! The deceased!"

If anybody wants to call her out from this cottage he needs to call out 'The deceased' three times... The cottage is like a coffin for her, and she stays inside it eternally... Just like a dead body stays inside a coffin eternally...
Only calling by this name can bring her out from this cottage...

After calling her three times Taehyung kept standing there in silence... Everyone was silent as well... Lisa was standing behind Jin, gripping his sleeve tightly. She is frightened by the creepy atmosphere... 

After few moments, the old wooden door opened making a huge sound...
An old lady slowly stepped out from the cottage, she is hunchbacked... For wearing a long hood over her head, her face can not be seen... Only two wrinkled leather hands could be seen... The grown she was wearing was fallen on the ground... Her head was lowered under the hood...

"Why are you here again?" She asked with her weird tone, which gives goosebumps on Lisa's body...

Kneeling, "I have come here in the hope of curing a disease."

"What is it?"

"My kingdom's future king had been poisoned by the poison of Suzdal... The poison they use in the war field, which takes away human's five senses one by one..." Taehyung said calmly & slowly...

She kept silent for a while. Then lifting her head she looked forward.

She must see them from under her hood but they didn't get any chance to see her face...

"Who has been poisoned? Come closer."

Namjoon exchanged glare with Jin. Jin whispered, "Go."

Namjoon approached next to her.

"Show me your hand."

Namjoon pulls his sleeve up and put forward his hand throwers her. She placed her fingers over Namjoon's hand veins.

After a moment she moved her fingers away from Namjoon's vein.
"Three of his abilities are already lost. After three years he will die."

Seokjin looked at Namjoon, whose gaze was dropped down. Seokjin himself is holding his breath.

THE OMEGA PRINCE  [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now