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Namjoon & Jin came back to the cottage...

Hearing footsteps, Lisa came out running from inside of the room... Seeing Jin, she smiled widely...

"Jin Oppa!" She runs to them, "You are back!" But seeing blood over his clothes, neck & hand, she became worried, "What happened Oppa!? Are you injured!? Who did this to you!? Where were you Namjoon Oppa!? I told Namjoon Oppa to not let you go! He didn't listen to me!!! Now you are injured! Just let-"

"Aish!! Lisa!! Calm down!" Jin holds her shoulder to stop her babbling... "I am fine! These are not my blood! I am ok! See!"

Lisa touched his neck, hand... "Oh... These are not cut... Then whose blood are those!? Did you kill any chicken? Huh?"

Jin smiled, "Kinda..."

"Lisa! Let your Oppa get inside at least!" Namjoon sighs.

"Ah! Alright! Alright! Come in! Come in!" Holding Jin's arm she dragged him inside...

Then she brought them a glass of water to drink...

"Lisa, can you bring a bowl of water? And a piece of cloth for Jin to wash the blood ?"

Lisa nodded, "Alright! I will be right back!" She runs out of the room...

After Lisa run out of the room cottage.
Soekjin placed the glass on the table...

With a serious look, "Listen,  Namjoon... I will take my leave in the evening... Can you give me your hat? Then they - "

"You are not leaving..." Namjoon mumbles but enough loudly to hear.

"Huh? Why!?" Jin is confused.

"Umm... You-"

Namjoon stopped when Lisa banged inside holding a bowl of water & a piece of cloth...

"Here! I brought it! Come here! Let me wash the blood from over you!" Lisa puts the bowl on the table... Suddenly a sound came from her stomach... Her belly is empty...

She blushed, "Umm..."

Hearing the grumbling sound, Namjoon remembered that there is no food in his cottage now...

"Aish! I forget!" Namjoon immediately runs out from the cottage like a blow of wind...

Jin & Lisa exchanged a glare, both of them are confused...

Time skips. Namjoon finally came back with two chicken & some fruits... This is what he was able to hunt for today...

After cooking the food, he finally gets to take some rest...

Jin served the food on the table, as Lisa went to the riverside to wash some clothes...

Namjoon was sitting under a tree, leaning back... Jin came there...

"I have served the food..."

Closed eyes, "Hum... Let's wait until Lisa come back..."

After standing there for a few minutes, Jin sat beside Namjoon...
"Umm... Namjoon?"


"Why did you said that I am not leaving?"

Namjoon opened his eyes, looking up at the trees "After the incident of today, I realized that how much risky the palace for you now... The bandits who have attacked you in daylight... They must have sent by someone who doesn't want you to stay alive... And as you have told me they must be sent by Prince Mingyu & Soo-Hyun... If you go back to the palace in this moment, I- I am afraid something will happen to you... So..."

THE OMEGA PRINCE  [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now