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Jin fluttering opened his eyes... He found himself under that big tree... He felt something under his head... Sitting straightly, he saw a cloth beg, there were lots of leaves inside it... Making it look like a pillow...

As much as Jin can remember, they didn't bring this thing with him... This bag must be brought by Namjoon then...

He smiled...

Then he realized he is here alone. Namjoon is not here, or he can't see Namjoon anywhere...

He didn't panic, he knows Namjoon must have gone to gather fruits for them... He then sat up...

Taking a deep breath of fresh air... Suddenly he felt a bit strange... It didn't take much time to realize that the effect of the pills he took to prevent his fragrance has expired... His fragrance is now spreading around...

He immediately opened the small pouch around his waist, and his expression changed into a worried one... How can he forget such an important thing back to the cottage?

What should he do now? Namjoon will find out that he is his mate... What if Namjoon... Namjoon misunderstands him?

Also, his fragrance is not any ordinary one... It's so powerful sure can fuddle his mate... And attract other Alphas...

He kept blaming himself for being such an idiot... 

"Oh... You are up..."

Namjoon's voice came to his ears... He looked forward... Gulped hard out of nervousness.

Namjoon was walking towards him, carrying some fruits with him.

He came closer, "So, You woke up... There is a pond nearby... You can get fresh from here... And I have already got the breakfast for us... You better go & get fresh first... We have to start our journey again..."

Jin frowned... He kept sitting there...
Namjoon is acting like before... Shouldn't he act differently? Jin's fragrance would affect Namjoon like a drug... It should be hard for Namjoon to keep control over own self after inhaling Jin's fragrance for the first time... 

"Jin? Go & get fresh... We have to leave this place soon..." Namjoon said while picking up the cloth bag from the ground & throwing the dead leaves from the inside of it...

Jin peeked at Namjoon for a moment,
then he walked forward... Reaching near to the pond he sat on the bank of the pond & saw his reflection on the water...

It's impossible... Even if Namjoon becomes the strongest alpha he can't resist the drug of Jin's fragrance & control himself...

Washing his hand & face, he went back under the tree... And sat down...

Namjoon passed few fruits to Jin...

Jin kept starting at Namjoon... Not taking a bite...

Namjoon noticed Jin's stare. He looks at him, "What happened? Why are you not eating?"

"Namjoon..." Jin called out his name, leaning forward, "You- you are an alpha, right?"

Namjoon laughed a little, "Of course I am... Why? Are you doubting me?"

"Aren't you feeling anything?" Jin asked without knowing what is he asking.

Namjoon frowned, "What should I feel? I am ok... Why are asking this thing Jin? What happened? Is there anything wrong?" Namjoon is now anxious about Jin.

Jin then dropped his gaze down... He couldn't understand anything... Is that can be... Namjoon is not his mate? That's why he can prevent himself from Jin's fragrance? But Jin could smell Namjoon's fragrance...  It... It should not be like that...

THE OMEGA PRINCE  [NAMJIN]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ