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Namjoon comes back to the cottage in the evening...

Jin waited until they finish dinner... After dinner, like every night they had normal chit-chat among them...

Later after Lisa went to sleep, Namjoon was doing the rest of some works...

Jin waited...

Finally, Namjoon finished with those works... He saw Jin sitting outside.

"You didn't go for sleep yet?"


Jin & Namjoon are sitting beside the riverside... Jin asked Namjoon to come with him there... He thought this place is better to have that kind of discussion...

"What happened, Jin? Is there any problem?" Namjoon is worried.

Jin then brings out Namjoon's sword, shows that to him "Is this yours?"

Namjoon was surprised..."Where did you found it?"

"Today... Lisa finds out a wooden box from somewhere... Inside the wooden box, I found this sword... There were also several letters, notebooks, maps & random stuff..." Jin paused & peeked at Namjoon.

Namjoon's face was calm...

"I apologise for reading those without your permission..."

"So, what did you discover after reading those?"

Jin put the sword aside, "Namjoon... Are you somehow related to the Graboki Kingdom?"

Namjoon let out a soft sigh, "What's worth of knowing it now? Everything is already gone..."

Jin kept silent for a while.

"So... That means you are junior general of the Graboki kingdom?"

"Hum... I was..."

"What exactly happened to the kingdom?"

"What will you do after knowing it? It's just like some other stories of a defeated kingdom..." Namjoon grinned lightly with a lowered head...

"Tell me. Perhaps I will be able to help you..."

"There is nothing left to help with Jin... Everything is over... You won't be able to help me Jin..."

Jin keeps looking at Namjoon... The pain is visible all over his face... He can't see Namjoon like that, it hurts him... He might have met with Namjoon a few days ago but among all those days he has developed some feelings for him... He wants to know Namjoon more... He wants Namjoon to share his pains with him...

"I might not be able to help you... But if you share your past with someone then you will feel better... Umm... If you don't wanna then I won't force you..."

Both of them keep sitting there silently...

"My mother was a soldier of Graboki Kingdom... My father was a minister of the King's chamber... They had feelings for each other, knowing that  The king arranged the marriage for them... After five years of marriage, they had me...Our kingdom was one of the most peaceful kingdoms... Even if the king's brothers were all alive, there was peace all around the harem & chamber... But it doesn't last long, the king of Suzdal kingdom send a letter to our king, asking him to hand over the kingdom to him... Normally the king refused... After one year, the Suzdal kingdom treated us again... But when they saw nothing is working, they made a mess among our kingdom's soldiers by spending rumours... And our peaceful kingdom started to wreck... Soon that kingdom
announced the war..."

THE OMEGA PRINCE  [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now