Jyesht quits the game of Dyuth

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Arjun's P.O.V.

"And if I lose then his entire life, Vikarn will be your Das. So, Samrat... So, which Anuj of yours would you like to bet?" said Duryodhan, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I were shocked we spotted up and walked next to each other we held each other's hands tightly

"Impossible!" exclaimed Pitamaha

"Yuvraj Duryodhan, in the game of dice you can only wager property. You cannot put humans at bets." said Kakashree

"But this game is not for property, Mahamantri. He has himself said that humans play for their pride. And one always puts his pride at bet when playing." said Duryodhan

"Humans are proud of many things, Yuvraj. Guru's knowledge. Pita's Dharm. Mata's purity. And one's lineage. But these cannot be put at bet." said Pitamaha pointing at the Chausar board

"Because humans have no right over it, Pitamaha. Mata, Pita, Guru and lineage are all God's blessings, Pitamaha. Anything that you have a right to and you are proud of can be bet on you have said it, Pitamaha." said Duryodhan

"This is a pointless discussion, Duryodhan. Parents have rights on their children but I haven't heard of anyone having a right to his Anujo." said Kakashree

"Mahamantri Vidur." called Gandhar Raj, we all looked at him, he stood up

"you had acceded to Maharaj Pandu's right and you also accept Maharaj Dhritarashtra's right. Do you not?" he asked, everyone kept quiet

"Splendid. Marvellous. So it's clear that Mere bachche Duryodhan has the right to his Anuj Vikarn and he is also proud of him, Samrat. So, Mere bachche Duryodhan, can put his Anuj Vikarn as a bet. If Samrat deems it right then he can abide by the rules." said Gandhar Raj

"So tell me, Samrat which Anuj of yours would you like to bet?" asked Duryodhan, Jyesht turned his head looking at Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and me I was going to step forward Nakul grabed my hand pushing me back

"He will bet on me!" he yelled stepping forward

"No, Kul."  said Bhrata Bheem as Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Sahadev and I surrounded him

"No..." I said

"Kul, not you." said Bhrata Yudhisthir cupping Nakul's cheeks with his hands 

"No, Kul." said Sahadev shaking his head Nakul looked at him he shook his head again. Nakul looked at me and nodded

"Jyesht, before entering the Rajysabha, I told Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Bhrata Jun, Jiji Tara, Nakul, and Yuyutsu that I'm getting a sense of foreboding that today, this Sabha is going to witness an Adhram that has never taken place in the history of mankind!" yelled Sahadev

Tara's P.O.V.

I was pacing up and down the chamber, the Dasi entered

"Pranipat, Rajkumari." the Dasi greeted

 "What happened?!" I asked

"Hastinapur's yuvraj has bet on his Anuj Vikarn, and Rajkumar Nakul has volunteered from the Samrat's side." said the Dasi, Mata Kunti and Mata Madri fell to the ground 

"What kind of a game is this?! Are humans and relationships something to be put a bet upon?! Rakshaso and Asuro perform the Narmedhyajna where humans are sacrificed!" I said, I walked to Mata Gandhari

"Is Hastinapur too inculcating this tradition, Maharani?!" I demanded

"Had Krishna been here he would have definitely stopped this game of Dyuth. But Maharaj Shalv has attacked Dwaraka. Krishna is in war to protect Dwaraka." said Mata Madri, Mata Kunti looked at Mata Gandhari

"Didi..." she called, Mata Gandhari looked at her 

"Didi. Didi, we have to stop this game, immediately." said Mata Kunti

"Kunti, when Tatshree and Vidur are unable to stop it then there must be an ethical dilemma involved. How will I be able to resolve this?" said Mata Gandhari

"I will resolve this!" I said, I removed a bracelet that had six diamonds

representing my six brothers and the chain representing me I walk to the Dasi

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representing my six brothers and the chain representing me I walk to the Dasi

"Dasi, go tell the Emperor," I said looking at the bracelet 

"that these six diamonds of this bracelet are connected to its chain, not to each other. He doesn't have the right to bet any of my brothers." I said and gave the Dasi the bracelet 

"Go right away and tell him." I said

"As you command, Rajkumari." said the Dasi and left

Arjun's P.O.V.

"This Sabha is going to witness an Adhram that has never taken place in the history of mankind!" yelled Sahadev, Nakul walked up to the Dyuth board. Jyesht turned to Nakul who smiled, Jyesht cupped his hand on Nakul's cheeks

"No, Kul. I cannot bet on you." said Jyesht

"Jyesht, it will be appropriate for you to put a bet on me. If you lose, then Bhrata Arjun's competence and the strength of Bhrata Bheem will be with you. Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Arjun will be able to get me released but I won't be able to get them released.

"If you are in a dilemma then bet on Bheem, Samrat!" said Dushasan, Jyesht turned around looking at him

"If you are defeated then serving us as a slave will be quite easy for him." he said, I fisted my hands

"Nakul may die labouring as a slave." said Dushasan, the Kaurav laughed, Bhrata Bheem walked to his throne and picked up his Gada

"Pick up your weapon, Dushasan! Let's decide right away as to who will die!" said Bhrata Bheem

"Bheem!" called Maharaj, evryone looked at him

"Er... this is the game of Dyuth, not a battlefield. Challenging a kingdom that has surrendered to you, for war is Adharm, Putra." he said and chuckled

"Calm down." he said

"Calm down, Bheem." said Jyesht, Bhrata Bheem lowered his Gada. Jyesht sat on the throne

"I will bet on my..." Jyesht hesitated

"I will bet on my Anuj Nakul-"

"Samrat prasan ho." said a female voice we all looked at the Rajysabha geats a Dasi entered the Rajysabha 

"I have a message from Rajkumari Tara." said the Dasi, she was holding Tara's six diamond bracelet the Dasi was going to say the message Jyesht raised his hand ordering her to stop. Jyesht smiled and stood up

"I can not bet on my Anuj Nakul." said Jyesht, I smiled

"I am positively proud of him but I have no rights over him. I don't have any right over any of my Anujo! We brothers are interconnected like six diamonds in this bracelet but through the medium of our sister Tara. She has the right over us." said Jyesht, he joined his hands

"That's why. This game is over now." he said, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I smiled. We started walking to the Rajysabha geats

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