A hurting secret and the look of the Swayamvar

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In Hastinapur

Yudhisthir's P.O.V.

Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I were taking the pieces of jewellery for Tara to choose for her Swayamvar when we reached her chamber we saw her chamber doors closed I was going to open it the guards on the door blocked the way with their spears

"Rajkumari has ordered not to let anyone in, Rajkumar." said one of the guards, Bheem stepped in front of the guard and cracked his knuckles

"Let us in. Now!" he snapped the guards gulped and let us in

"Stay here." I ordered the dasis. When we entered we saw Tara on her bed leaning on the headboard hugging her legs with her head buried in them

"Taru." I called calmly, she looked up her eyes were red puffy it looked like he had been crying for a long time

"What happened, Taru?" I asked shocked, Tara flung her arms around me and started crying on my shoulder

"Bhratashree, I am your sister, right?" I exchanged looks with Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev

"Of course, Taru." I said, Tara pulled away

"Did you hear someone saying that your not our sister, Tara?! Who is he?! I will crush his face!" said Bheem angrily

"Taru, you and Arjun are Indr Dev's blessings to Mata Kunti and Mata Madri." I said

"No Bhratashree, I heard Mata Kunti and Mata Madri talking to each other. Mata Madri said I'm growing older I should know who I really am. After hearing this I asked them that what they mean by that and they said... they said that Mata Madri found me on their doorstep in the forest with a note saying only my name, Tara. But I've got my answer Bhratashree Pitashree said Paalne vala janamdene vale se bada hai (The parson who raises is greater than the one who gives birth)" said Tara, I smiled

"The people who abandoned me were not my parents. Pitashree Pandu, Mata Kunti and Mata Madri are my parents. And you all are my Bhratao," she paused looking at Bheem and me then looked at Nakul and Sahadev

"and Anujo." she said we all hugged her and she hugged us back we pulled away

"Dasi!" called Nakul the Dasis came in with the pieces of jewellery, Tara looked at them

"We're going out you change, we'll go call Mata Kunti and Mata Madri to see. Okay?" I said and we left

Time skip

I sent Sahadev to call Mata Kunti and Mata Madri. Mata Kunti and Mata Madri went into her chamber to help her she didn't like to wear jewellery, Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I were waiting outside a Dasi came ou

"Raj Mata Kunti and Raj Mata Madri have called you all in." said the Dasi, we nodded and went in we saw Tara sitting in front of the mirror looking down

"Taru, won't you show your Bhiyo how you look.?" said Mata Madri, Tara stood up and turned around with her eyes still looking down. Nakul's mouth dropped seeing Tara

Tara looked up and smiled she saw Nakul's face and turned pink

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Tara looked up and smiled she saw Nakul's face and turned pink

"You look more beautiful than Nakul, Jiji." said Sahadev, we all laughed other then Nakul

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