Escaping the Lakshagraha

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Arjun's P.O.V.

I saw Bhrata Bheem was going to feed the Kheer to Mata Madri. I rushed to them and pushed Bhrata Bheem's hand spilling the Kheer. He and Mata looked at me angrily

"Arjun! Why did you do that?! scolded Mata Madri loudly slapping me, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, Nakul and Sahadev ran into the dining chamber

"The Kheer has been poisoned, Mata!" said Jyesht, Mata Madri looked at him horrified

"Yes, Mata. Kul's mouse died upon eating it." said Sahadev, then Mata Madri looked back at me with tears in her eyes I lowered my head

"Arjun... I'm so sorry... I raised my hand at you... I'm so sor-" I put my hand on Mata Madri's mouth shaking my head

"No, Mata you didn't know." I said and hugged her she hugged me back, I pulled away.

"Mata, we have to leave. This Bhavan can get torched any moment." I said

"I don't understand!" exclaimed bhrata Bheem

"Bhratashree, this Bhavan is made with wax. This is a Lakshagraha. Poisoning all of us first and then torching this Bhavan was all part of a scheme! So that everyone thinks that we died in an accident." I said


"This is not the time for ifs and buts, Bhrata Bheem. We must first catch that Purochan!" I interrupted bhrata Bheem

"And then we will take him to Hastinapur." I said, he nodded

"Let's go. Let's go, Mata." I said

In the hallway

"Never imagined that Duryodhan would try to kill us!" said Sahadev

"You couldn't imagine such a thing, Dev?! Then your power of imagination is very weak! Did you forget?! He had poisoned me!" said Bhrata Bheem we came into a chamber exiting the hallway.

"But we were children back then. Children do many things without thinking straight. How could he do it now?" said Sahadev

"Dev, he planned to crush me under falling rocks. Do you think he was a child then?!" I snapped

"I will crush that Duryodhan's head, Jyesht! It is said that when death approaches a deer, it makes its way to a lion's den on its own! I think, Duryodhan's death is very near to him." said bhrata Bheem

"Bhrata Bheem is right, Jyesht. If we do not draw our weapons even now then we will be termed as cowards and weaklings." said Nakul

"Just give us the order, Jyesht! we await it!" said Bhrata Bheem

"Do not give them any order, Karn." We heard Mata Kunti say, we stopped and turned around saw that she and Mata Madri had stopped walking with us, they had tears in their eyes we walked forwarder

"What are you saying, Mata? How can we stay calm?" asked Bhrata Bheem

"Duryodhan has schemed to burn us alive. He schemed to burn you both, our Matao!" said Bhrata Bheem, Mata Kunti and Mata Madri looked down

"If that is the case, Putro." said Mata and walked forward

"Then all of us shall burn to ashes here!" said Mata we all looked at her shocked and we exchanged shocked looks and then looked back at Mata Kunti and Mata Madri

"They planned to kill our Putro. Such hatred... Such hatred in their hearts?!" cried Mata Madri

"No, Putro. We will not return to Hastinapur now! The gates of that nagr are closed for us now." she said 

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