Draupadi and Prishti's entry into the Swayamvar

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Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

"Before we begin the competition I welcome such a guest whom my old eyes deem of having the potential of becoming the man of the millennium and ushering a Dharm Yug. Welcome, Vasudev Krishn!" said Pitashree, the conchs blew and Keshav entered the Dasis were offering flowers he joined his hands looking at Pitashree, Pitashree joined his hand nodding

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

"Yadav shreshth, Vasudev Krishna. He is the only person whom an intelligent person always befriends with him." said Mamashree

"Why so, Mmashree?" asked Dushasan, Mamashree looked at him and chuckled

"Because in the whole of the Aryaverth, he is the one, with whom having any enmity can't be afforded by anyone." he Mamashree

Krishna's P.O.V.

I walked to Bhrata Rukmi, I bowed my head

"Pranipat, Bhrata Rukmi." I greeted, Bhrata Rukmi grunted angrily I shook my head thinking You haven't changed one bit

"He is way more intelligent and cunning than me." I heard Gandhar raj Shakuni whisper to Duryodhan, I looked at him, he smiled unwillingly

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

Keshav walked to me

"Pranipat, Keshav" I greeted joining my hand bowing my head

"Pranipat, Dhrisht." Keshav greeted me back he hugged me I hugged him back we pulled away

"Pdharye." I said gesturing to come, he nodded and we walked to the top of the arena. Keshav sat on the throne that was next to me

"Hear all! The most beautiful and serendipitous Yajnaseni, Rajkumari Draupadi and Rajkumari Prishti are making their entrance!" yelled the guard the dancers started dancing I saw Draupadi  and Prishti coming from the lotus they were looking truly divine



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Draupadi and Prishti came in holding each other's hands with their Sakiyo, Rajkumari Tara, Rajkumari Subhadra and Rajkumari  Vrushali bihind them

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Draupadi and Prishti came in holding each other's hands with their Sakiyo, Rajkumari Tara, Rajkumari Subhadra and Rajkumari Vrushali bihind them. They all turned to the Brahmins joined their hands and bowed their head, the Brahmins raised their hand blessing Draupadi, Prishti, Rajkumari Tara, Rajkumari Subhadra and Rajkumari Vrushali

Prishti's P.O.V.

Draupadi and I walked to the Dhanush touched it and gave our respects to it. Draupadi, Tara, Subhadra, Vrushali and I walked to the top of the arena we saw Pitashree, Dhrishtadyumn, Didi and Govind Draupadi and I bent and touched Dhrishtadyumn feet

"Pranipat, Dhrisht." we greeted touching his feet

"Sobhagyavati bhavah." he blessed I said stroking our heads we smiled looking down, we looked at Pitashree and walked to him

"Pranipat, Pitashree." we greeted touching his feet

"Kalyan ho, Putri." blessed Pitashree we walked at Govind

"Pranipat, Govind." we said, he nodded, we bent down to touched his feet he pulled us back up

"No, saki." he said shaking his head, we looked around

"No, saki." Govind said

"Govind, Rajkumar Arjun and Yuvraj Karn will come to the Swayamvar, right?" I asked

"I have a feeling, Prish that if Bhrata Arjun does arrive you'll know about it before any of us do." said Tara teasingly

"Taru!" I exclaimed blushing and slightly punching Tara on her forearm

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