Kakashree's gift and riddle

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Nakul's P.O.V.

Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem and Sahadev were putting on the jewellery. While I was setting my clothes, jewellery and hair but I couldn't see myself properly through the mirror as it was dark. I looked at another mirror, I went to it and changed its angle illuminating the whole chamber, I went back to my mirror and set my clothes, jewellery and hair

"Kul!" I heard bhrata Bheem call, I ignored him

"Which damsel awaits you at Varnavat that you are grooming yourself so much? I have heard that the Rakshsiya are present in forests. Not the Rajkumariya." he said and laughed, Sahadev laughed as well, Bhrata Yudhisthir chuckled

"Why are you laughing, Sahadev? Am I the one who has fallen in love with Vijaya? Huh?" I asked, Sahadev blushed

"In fact, I suggest that you look into the mirror too, Bhrata Bheem. Have you ever thought what would happen if a rakshsi falls in love with you?" I said and laughed Sahadev laughed with me too

"Nakul! I-"

"Bheem!" called Bhrata Yudhisthir, we all looked at him

"Mata Kunti and Mata Madri are waiting, we should get going." he said

"Bhratashree, You, Jyesht and Arjun always save him and Sahadev." said bhrata Bheem, he looked at me I stuck out my tongue

In the temple

Yudhisthir's P.O.V.

The priests finished the shlok. One of them gave me a pot of milk. I looked a Mata Kunti and Mata Madri, she saw looking around for Jyesht and Arjun

"Maa." I called, she looked at me

"It's time for the puja." I said

"But Arjun and Karn aren't here yet." said Mata Kunti

"Let us wait a while for them." said Mata Madri I smiled

"Maa, Jyesht andJun will be here soon. Let's just begin the puja." I said Mata Kunti and Mata Madri nodded

"Very well." she said, I stretched the pot on top of the shiv ling Mata Kunti, Mata Madri, Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev stretched their hands and touched the pot and then two other hands touched the pot. We all looked at where the hands came from it was Jyesht and Arjun they smiled at us, we smiled back. We poured the milk Jyesht put ghee on the shiv ling the poured Mata Ganga's water after we finished the puja

"Long live Pandu Putro! Long live Pandu Putro! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu!" yelled the citizens as we walked to Pitashree's statue. We saw two Das carrying a bag and a messenger from Hastinapur coming to us the Das put the bag down, the messenger kneeled down

"Pranipat, Yuvraj. Pranipat, Maharani Kunti, Maharani Madri." said the messenger and got up

"Yuvraj, the Mahamantri has sent you all this present." said the messenger gesturing at the bag. We all exchanged confused looks 

Arjun's P.O.V.

"Yuvraj, the Mahamantri has sent you all a present." said the messenger gesturing at the bag. We all exchanged confused looks Why has Kakashree sent a gift here? I thought

"What is this, messenger?" asked Jyesht

"This is a bag of rice." said the messenger

"Did he not send jaggery and ghee along?" asked Bhrata Bheem, we all looked at him,

"I could have made an excellent Kheer if he did." he said, we all chuckled shaking our heads

"If you soak the rice overnight, and fry it in the ghee in the morning and then add jaggery to it, it makes for an excellent Kheer, Mate." he said, we all smiled and then stopped smiling as we a something moving in the rice bag. I walked forward and opened the bag to see what it was. And a mouse came out. We all smiled again Bhrata Bheem made an icky face, we all had gotten scared for no reason. But it seemed the mouse was more scared than us it immediately jumped into Nakul's hands; he loved all kinds of animals and kinds of animals loved him. He stoked the mouse

"Ha! There was a mouse in the bag of rice. Bhrata Bheem's Kheer became impure even before it was made." said Sahadev, bhrata Bheem frowned we chuckled

"Nothing becomes impure because of an innocent creature, Dev. Only human can make things impure, with their deeds." said Nakul, we smiled and nodded

"But why did Kakashree send this mouse as a gift?" I thought aloud

"I don't think he meant to send us a mouse." said bhrata Bheem I looked at him

"It must have stumbled into the bag." he said I looked at Jyesht, Bhrata Yudhisthir and Mata, they both looked worried

"Yes. I'm sure that rice is not available here, hence, this was sent from Hastinapur, for the Rajkumaro." I said Mata smiled. I looked at Jyesht and bhrata Yudhisthir, I shook my head slightly telling them Don't worry them. They gave a slight nod

"Is there any message, messenger?" asked Jyesht

"He told to keep in mind that even if one grain of rice falls to the ground it can manifest itself in hundreds in the future." said messenger

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