Start of the Swayamvar

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On the Swayamvar day

Prishti's P.O.V.

Draupadi and I were sitting in front of the mirrors my hair was tied Tara was puting the neckpiece on my neck Subhadra and Vrushali were puting the hand ornaments.

Draupadi and I were sitting in front of the mirrors my hair was tied Tara was puting the neckpiece on my neck Subhadra and Vrushali were puting the hand ornaments

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The Dasis washed Draupadi's hair Didi and Gurumata

"Draupadi, Guru Mother is here to have your hair tied ritualistically." said Didi

"Senapathi Shikhandini," called Vrushali, they all looked at her

"Why isn't Prish's hair tied ritualistically?" she asked, I smiled

"Because I don't like my hair tied." I said

"Oh." said Vrushali, I scoffed (N/A: She scoffed in a good way) smiling Gurumata took a big conch and put oil in my hair and combed it

"Why is there a ritual to tie the hair anyway, Gurumata?" I asked

"Prishti, after marriage women do not leave their hair open. Only women who have lost their husbands leave their hair open. I will tie Draupadi's hair after applying this special oil. Then her pati will put a Chudamani on it." explained Gurumata

"I have firm faith that I'll marry someone who won't object me for keeping my hair down." I said thinking of Rajkumar Arjun

Arjun's P.O.V.

I opened the hut door and walked in I looked around it was abandoned and safe I walked back out

"This place is empty, Maa. And it is also safe." I said

"Putra, we far from Kampilya, right?" asked Mata Kunti

"Yes, Mate. Very far. You both go inside and rest. Then we will proceed towards Naimisharany. We will not be able to rest properly for days then." said Bhrata Yudhisthir

"And we may also not get a proper meal for days." said Bhrata Bheem, we all laughed shaking our heads

"Between this place and Naimisharany is there not a big village or city, Jyesht?" asked Bhrata Bheem

"No, Bheem. We must ask for Dan from a nearby village. You and Kul stay with Matao." said Jyesht, he looked at Bhrata Yudhisthir, Sahadev and me

"The four of us will get the alms." he said

"No, No." said Mata Madri, we looked at her

"If the six of you go together then you will be able to get the Dan sooner." she said

"But Maa," I said they looked at me

"you two here alone?" I asked

"What should we fear, Putra? We will close the door. We will complete a ritual we had resolved for." said Mata, we nodded

"Prnam, Mata." we bided joining our hands Mata Kunti and Mata Madri gave a nod and we went

"In which direction should we proceed, Jyesht Bhrata?" I asked

"Kampilya lies towards uttar, Jun. We can't proceed that way. We should proceed in this direction." said Bhrata Yudhisthir, gesturing to north-east

"There must certainly be a village that way." said Bhrata Yudhisthir, we nodded and walked towards north-east

A few minutes later

We were walking

"But will anyone be here?" asked Nakul, we looked at him

"What if everyone has gone to see the Swayamvar?" he asked

"Why would everyone go to see the Swayamvar?" asked Bhrata Bheem

"I've heard, Panchal Raj has organized a grand Swayamvar." said Nakul

"And whoever goes there today," said Sahadev, we looked at him

"will be given gold coins in Dan. Such an announcement was also made by him." he said

"And the subjects also wish to see their Bajkumariya, Bhrata Jun. I have heard that the Bajkumariya are so beautiful that upon seeing her, one forgets one's sadness and pains." said Nakul I remembered the face of the Rajkumari in the Shiva temple That is exactly how I felt. I thought

"Then many Rajkumaro would have gone there, with the hope to forget their sadness and pains." I said, they laughed

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

The priests blew the conchs

"All hail King Drupad!" the citizens chanted multiple times Pitashree raised his and the citizens quite down

"I welcome all the Rajao and Rajkumaro present here. All of you must know that the whole of the Aryaverth was given a divine present by the Agnidev years ago. Two Putri as pure and bright as fire and bearing divine beauty was created from the sacrificial fire. They are like flags at the pinnacle of temples or the peak of a palace! Similarly, to have my Putri the Rajkumariya of Panchal, Draupadi and Prishti as their Patniyo would be the fortune of only the most competent person on the planet! I ask the Kshatriya Rajao and Rajkumaro present to have their competence tested by coming forth! Yuvraj, Dhrishtadyumn," said Pitashree gesturing to me

"will elaborate the competition." said Pitashree, I walked down the stairs to the centre of the arena I joined my hands bowed my head at Pitashree he nodded I turned to the brahmins bowed at them

"I welcome the guests present here! Such a competition has been set up here which cannot be won by an ordinary warrior." I said, I walked to the bow that was covered with cloth. I removed the cloth revealing the bow there were whispers around the arena

"This divine Dhanush, can be lifted only by the person who has nothing but confidence in his competence. If even the shadow of doubt creeps up on someone then for him, the weight of this Dhanush will be more than that of a mountain. This Dhanush can be stringed only by a person who can free himself of desire, anger and greed who has true Dharm in his heart and knows how to bear the Dhanush. To him, knowledge should not be a medium to obtain anything but an opportunity to further learn various knowledge." I said. I took my Dhanush and an arrow put the Dhanush over my head said a Mantra pulled the string and released the arrow everyone's eyes followed the arrow there was a huge blue explosion and a fish appeared. Then a pool appeared on the floor

"Rajao and Rajkumaro present here that fish revolving in the sky!" I said pointing at the fish

"Its eye is your goal! By looking at its reflection in the pool the archer needs to pierce its eye. With, only one arrow." I said raising my index finger

"And the person who wins this competition, my Briya bahanen will place the varmala in his neck" I said

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