First night

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A day later the Lakshagraha incident

Tara's P.O.V.

I was in Arya (Shoen) and my chamber mourning over Mata Kunti, Mata Madri, Jyesht, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Bhrata Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev's death. I heard footsteps I pulled my sword and threw it before seeing who it was I heard my sword hit the wall.

"If your life is dear to you then leave this chamber now!" I said angrily I couldn't hear the footsteps going

"I said if-" I was turning around and saw Arya I was shocked I looked down

"Arya, I'm sorry. I was-"

"I can understand you're upset, Taru, but you're upset for no reason." Arya interrupted walking to the bed and sitting, I looked at him stunned

"I'm upset for no reason?! You are saying this, Arya?!" I asked, Arya smiled putting his hands on my shoulders

"They're not dead." he said, I looked at him with a huge smile on my face

"Yes, Taru. They're alive." he said, He told me everything about Duryodhan and Shakuni's scheme. I turned red with rage I picked up my Vaishnav (Tara's bow) and started to walk to the chamber door

"Tara!" called Arya I stopped

"Where are you going?" he asked, without turning around I said...

"To put an end to the Kaurav." I said in rage

"Tara, you can't. We have found out the reason Duryodhan did this." said Arya I turned around on my heel

"Reason?! He wants the throne of Hastinapur that's why!" I screamed

"But you can't end him, Putri Tara." I heard Pitamaha's voice, I turned around and saw him Arya and I walked to him touched his feet

"Ayushman bhavah." he blessed raising his hands we

"Putri Tara," called Pitamaha sounding weak, I looked at him

"You can't put an end to Duryodhan." he said, I turned away

"Why not, he tried to put an end to Bhaiyo." I said, Pitamaha put his hand on my shoulder

"Putri, if you put an end to Duryodhan, you will no less of a criminal than him." he said

"Your right, Pitamaha. I'll equal to Duryodhan if I kill him. But I can't stay where he is staying, I'm going to go to Dwaraka. If I stay here then Duryodhan and his Bhaiyo's are bound to die at my hands." I said

"I won't stop you, Putri. I will ask Vidur to make the arrangements for you both to leave for Dwaraka tomorrow itself." said Pitamaha, I nodded

"Dasi." called Pitamaha, two Dasis came in holding thalis with our meal

"Now, eat something." said Pitamaha, I smiled and shook my head I turned away

"No, Pitamaha. I can feel it... none of my Bhaiyo nor Matao have eaten... hence, I won't eat either." I said

"Taru, maybe if you eat, it can fill Mitro and Matao's hunger." said Arya, I smiled and nodded, Pitamaha left the chamber. Arya tore a piece of Puri dipped in in the Dal and stretched to my mouth I looked at him he nodded I took a bite


Arjun's P.O.V.

we were digging through the tunnel then suddenly stopped I felt as if my stomach was full and by the looks on Mata Kunti, Mata Madri, Jyesht, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev's faces they too felt the same

"I feel as though I'm stuffed." said Bhrata Bheem

"Wow! You are saying this Bhrata Bheem?" asked Sahadev, we laughed

"I think Tara ate for us." said Mata Kunti, we smiled nodding

Tara's P.O.V.

I took a bite smiled leaning on Arya's shoulder after eating I went to the balcony and looked at Pithshree, Arya walked to me

'Taru, What are you looking at?" he asked I pointed at Pithshree

"Look, Arya. That is Pithshree." I said I had a tear rolling down my cheek, Arya wiped it

"I'm really missing him today, Arya." I said, Arya creased my hair 

"I know you know how it feels." I said, I leaned my head in Arya's shoulder, He hugged me I leaned m head on his chest hugging him back he put his chin on my head I pulled away after a few minutes

"We should sleep. We have a long journey tomorrow." I said we walked in and laid on the bed I was staring at the ceiling

"Taru." called Arya

"Hum?" I asked

"Do you want a Putri or a Putra?" asked Arya, I smiled

"A Putri. Who has your warrior skills." I said

"My warrior skills you're a better warrior than I am." said Arya, I smiled

"Good night, Arya." I said and turned away


I woke up jerking stretching my hand Arya woke up in shock he sprung up

"What happened, Taru." he asked, I looked at him

"Arya, there are these nightmares I keep having again and again. I see that we were in Kurukshetra with the Kaurav, Pitamaha is against us, I am killing the Kaurav, Pitamaha is on a bed of arrows. And I see a few young men I don't know why I feel like... I feel like that they're my children I see my bhiyo shouting Abhimanyu in pain again and again." I said I looked at Arya

"I just hope it doesn't come true." I said, Arya put his hand on my shoulder

"I'm sure it won't come true." he said, I nodded and laid down again

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