Duel with Pitashree Indra

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Arjun's P.O.V.

Will you be able to... duel with him?" asked Jyesht

"The ved say that the might of Devraj Indra can be matched by only one Devta. Agni Devta. Agni Dev is termed as the face of the Devtao." I said Jyesht smiled and nodded

"I will invoke Agni Dev and will have the love of my pita. And if I am unable to have his love then I would rather die!" I said

"But such an enormous forest cannot be destroyed." said Tara, we looked at her

"To chop down one tree is far more grave a sin than killing sau humans." she said

"Do not worry, Taru. We shall request Agnidev to prey on only the illusions of Mayasur. We will ask him not to harm the trees." said Jyesht

"We?!" I asked

"Yes, we. I will help you, anuj." said Jyesht, I smiled

"But," he said I stopped smiling

"you will have to duel with Devraj yourself." he said I smiled again and nodded

"The illusion of Mayasur is very powerful, Arjun. Can it be destroyed?" asked Bhrata Bheem gesturing to the woods

"Bhrata Bheem, Agnidev is also called the devourer. Agnidev can devour anything. Even the illusion of Mayasur will be devoured by him." I said

"But we must ensure that he does not devour the serpents, Arjun." said Jyesht, we looked at him

"To save the humans if we kill the serpents then it would be Adharm." he said, I nodded. Jyesht and I walked closer to the forest kneeled we raised our bow above our heads, said the mantra, pulled the strings the arrows appeared we shot the arrows at the sky they busted on top of the forest and fireballs fell on the woods like rain

Mayasur's P.O.V.

 fireballs fell on the woods like rain

"Sarpraj, there is still time. Go and seek the refuge of the Kaunteys." I said Sarpraj Takshak shot a death glare at me

"Mayasur, if you hadn't transformed this forest, into an illusory one and helped me then I would have bitten you this instant." he said and hissed

"And the one I bite can not be helped by anyone." he said and hissed again

Arjun's P.O.V.

The forest was lit on fire the clouds turned dark we looked up the clouds had blocked out the sun the clouds formed a figure it glowed and Pitashree Indra he looked extremely angry I smiled and joined my hands

"Good luck, Anuj." said Jyesht putting his hand on my shoulder, I looked at him and nodded, he walked back to the others

"Pandu Putra, Arjun! Do not cross your limits! This forest is under my protection!" yelled Pitashree Indr

"Pitashree Indra, the entire world is under your protection! Yet, according to their needs, competent warriors make use of the earth. Then why can we not, Pitashree Indra?" I said

"Because I protect the serpents of this forest!" yelled Pitashree Indra

"These serpents have sinned biting innocent people! And protecting the sinners does not suit Devtao, Pitashree Indra!" I said

"Arjun! Do not lecture me about Dharm. When compared to me you are only a child." said Pitashree Indr, I smirked and chuckled

"I am your child, Pitashree Indr. And the child sitting on his Pita's shoulders sees farther than his Pita!" I yelled

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