My Vow

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Arjun's P.O.V.

Ashwathama was named Panchal raj. Gurudev gave half of Panchal back to Maharaj Drupad. Gurudev told us that we can go back to Hastinapur and that he and Ashwathama will stay to chalk out Ashwathama's rashtr governance. We went back to the camp to get redye for the long journey back to Hastinapur. We entered our tent. And saw Jyesht still explaining Tara the Chakravyuh, they looked up at us

"Well done Anujo, you all were great. Jun, how did you figure out which is the real Drupad?" he asked me, I smiled and put the seven stones down on a table

"Vrushali said that Madhav told, if we keep these with us, it will be of use to us in the war, right." I said

"So you figured out what the seven stones mean?" asked Sahadev

"Yes, Dev there were seven stones and seven Maharaj Drupad." I said arranging the seven stones in a circle and the stone that had the eye in the centre and the other six looking at it

"All the Maharaj Drupads." I said pointing at each of the six stones

"other than the real one." I said pointing at the stone that had the eye in the centre

"Were all looking at the real Maharaj Drupad to take orders, like the way these six stones." I said gesturing at the six stones

"were looking at this one" I said pointing at the stone that had the eye in the centre

"Oh, that is cool." said Nakul, I looked a Tara, she looked confused

"What is it, Tara?" I asked

"How did Govind know that Maharaj Drupad will have seven illusions of himself?" asked Tara, Bhrata Yudhisthir was going to say something 

"Hey, I said that we need a name for the circle we made during the war and you four said," said Nakul

"Not now Nakul!" said Nakul imitating us

"So I decided to name it myself," he said putting his hand on his hips

"Oh really, what did you name it?" I asked folding my arms in front of my chest

"The Pandav chakravyuh." he replied, smirking while folding his arms. Okay, I definitely didn't expect such a good name. I expected a stupid name. I thought

"Not a bad name." I said, I swang my hand on Sahadev

"Pranipat, Rajkumar." said a female's voice we turned around and saw a dasi

"Yes?" I asked

"Everything is packed and everyone is to leave ready for the journey, Rajkumar." said the dais

"Okay." I said

Time skip

Karn's P.O.V.

We were in the forest of Hastinapur. Arjun was sleeping on his horse Bheem turned around

"Where did Duryodhan and all his bhaiyo go?" he asked

"They left for Hastinapur long back, Bhratashree." said Sahadev

"Maybe they lack the courage to accompany us to Hastinapur." said Tara and laughed, Bheem Nakul and Sahadev laughed with her. Bheem looked at Arjun sleeping on his horse

"How can he fall asleep on an empty stomach? That too on a horse." asked Bheem

"He's very tired, Bheem." I said

"Yes Bhrata Bheem, everyone is not like you, who needs to eat all the time." said Tara, she and Nakul high-fived and laughed Sahadev joined them too, Yudhisthir and I chuckled

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