Surprise chamber

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Tejveer: Yuyutsu and Saraswati Putra. Nickname= Teju

 Nickname= Teju

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Arjun's P.O.V.

Recently Mrityunjaya, Prita, Jagmohini, Vasiya and Madvita have not been letting anyone in their chamber the five of them stay in one big chamber.

I woke up with the sunrise I looked over my bed and saw Prishti sleeping I smiled

"Prishu, get up, Priye." I requested shaking Prishti, she got up yawning and stretching her arm she hit my face

"Oh, sorry." she apologised puting her hand on her mouth

"It's okay." I said rubbing my cheek she started giggling

"It's funny, huh?" I asked slipping off the bed Prishti hugged me from the back I held her hands turned around she smiled at me I smiled back and kissed her forehead I took the Gandiv and gave my respects I walked to the door opened them and saw Mrityunjaya

"Pranipat, Pitashree." she greeted hugging me

"Pranipat, Putri." I said hugging her back she pulled away

"Pitashree come with me." she said taking my hand

"But where are you taking me?" I asked

"Uufoh just come." she said pulling me, I looked at Prishti and gave her a nod she nodded back and came with us we Mrityunjaya, Prita, Jagmohini, Vasiya and Madvita's chamber I saw Jyesht, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Tara, Nakul, Sahadev, Yuyutsu, Bhabhi Draupadi, Bhabhi Sita, Bhabhi Mandvi, Urmila, Vijaya, Saraswati, Dharmveer, Drikarn, Janavijay and Sarvag with blindfolds on I was confused seeing them all Prishti and I exchanged looks Mrityunjaya held out blindfolds

"What is all this for, Putri?" asked Prishti

"Just put them on." she said we took the blindfolds and tied them on

Mrityunjaya's P.O.V.

"Just put them on." I said Pitashree Arjun and Mata Prishti took the blindfolds and put them on Prita, Jagmohini, Vasiya, Madvita and I took all of them in our chamber we had made a family tree

"Open up!" exclaimed Jagmohini, they all opened the blindfolds and their mouths dropped

"Wow." they all said in unison Prita, Jagmohini, Vasiya, Madvita and I exchanged looks smiling they looked around the chamber and only one word kept coming out of their mouths Wow, wow and just wow Jyesht Pitashree looked at our beds the sheet and pillows were also painted Pitashree Nakul was walking to the painting door Prita had painted it so well that it looked real Madvita stretched her hand to stop him but Vasiya put her hand on Madvita's shoulder stopping her from telling him he crashed into the wall shouting in pain holding his nose Prita, Jagmohini, Vasiya and Madvita laughed I glared at them and they stopped looking down

"Wow! It looks so real" said Mata Draupadi looking at the ceiling we had painted the sky we had painted windows with the night sky Pitashree Yudhisthir was going to step on a painting on the floor that looked like a whole with the sea

"Wow! It looks so real" said Mata Draupadi looking at the ceiling we had painted the sky we had painted windows with the night sky Pitashree Yudhisthir was going to step on a painting on the floor that looked like a whole with the sea

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"Careful, Arya!" exclaimed Mata Sita Pitashree Yudhisthir stepped back

"It's okay nothing will happen." said Jagmohini walking on the painting

"Wow! I'm sure you five are the best artist in the world." said Pitashree Sahadev Vasiya gave him a side hug

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