Pitashree's death

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Arjun's P.O.V.

"They wanted it to be a sup-" Mata Kunti stopped as she saw Tara

"Tara!" she exclaimed cupping Tara's cheeks with her hands

"Who did this to you, Putri?!" asked Mata Madri dabbing her sari and Tara's forehead

"It's okay, Mata." assured Tara

"No! It's not okay!" snapped Mata Kunti

"How did this happen?!" Mata Kunti asked us angrily

"Someone was trying to abduct her." I said

"But before he could, Krishn and I saved her." I said, Krishn entered the hut 

"Pranipat, Bua Kunti." he greeted touching Mata Kunti's feet

"Kalyan ho, vats." she blessed stroking her hand over his head

"Where are the others?" asked Mata Kunti he saw someone behind Mata Kunti he shook his hand telling us not to say anything he closed Mata Kunti's eyes from the back

"Leave me, Vasudev." she said, 

"Didi, how do you always know it's me?" asked Mamashree Vasudev

"Because you are my anuj." said Mata Kunti she looked around

"Where are my saliya?" she asked 

"We are here Jiji." said two voices, we turned around and saw Mamishree Devki and Mamishree Rohini Mata hugged them, they pulled away we saw two girls peeping from behind Mamishree Devki and Mamishree Rohini, they look about Nakul and Sahadev's age

"What are your names?" asked Mata Madri bending down

"What are your names.? Tell them" said Mamishree Rohini they didn't say anything

"This is the first time they've left Dwarka." said Mamishree Devki, Jyesht, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I went Mamashree Vasudev and touched his feet

"Pranipat, Mamashree." we greeted in unison

"Kalyan ho, putro." he blessed raising his hands we went to Mamishree Devki and Mamishree Rohini and touched their feet

"Pranipat, Mamishree." we greeted in unison

"Ayushman bhavah." they blessed

"Come, Subhadra and Vrushali. Let's play." said Tara, Subhadra and Vrushali stepped out from behind Mamishree Devki and Mamishree Rohini, Subhadra was so beautiful, light brown shimmering eyes, long silky hair, pink rosy lips

"I'm Tara." Tara introduced herself

"I-I'm Subhadra." Subhadra introduced herself she seems shy. I thought

"I'm Vrushali." Vrushali introduced herself, Tara grabbed their hand and ran off

"Be careful!" I called

"We will, Bhrata Jun!" yelled Tara

"Krishn, I've heard you are very good at playing lagori. How 'bout a game?" I said

"Sure, Parth." said Krishn

Time skip

We were all playing Madhav and Bhrata Balram kept wining to us six bhai and the won again

"That's six to zero." said Madhav

"You are a champion at this, Keshav." said Jyesht, Madhav smiled and a tear flowed down his tear

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