Love at first sight

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Arjun's P.O.V.

We were walking through the streets of Kampilya and saw an old potter Jyesht and Bhrata Yudhisthir walked forward to the old potter

"Pranipat." they greeted joining their hands

"Pranipat." the old potter greeted back

"Is there any Dharamshala in this Nagar? We wish to stay here for a few days." said Jyesht

"All the Dharamshalaye are full. You will not find any place to stay here." said the old potter potting the pot, he looked up

"Are you travellers?" asked the old potter

"Yes. We have come from the village of Ekachakr We wish to go to Naimisharany." bhrata Yudhisthir

"Are you brahmins?" asked the old potter Mata Kunti, Mata Madri, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I exchanged looks thinking, Oh dear. He won't lie.

"We have dressed up Brahmins." he said. Few. I thought

"You tell half the truth?." said the old potter

"Yes." Bhrata Yudhisthir

"Because I never lie." he said

"But there is half a lie in the half truth." said the old potter

"You are correct. If I utter half the truth ever again then the Devtao will punish me. But I cannot tell the truth. That is why, please do not ask questions." said Bhrata Yudhisthir, the old potter got up and washed his hands

"Did your Matao eat anything?" he asked, we shook our heads

"Come inside. I shall arrange for you to rest and dine." he said, he turned around

"But you must accept us serving you." called Jyesht, the old potter turned back

"It is mandatory. Otherwise, we'll not accept the alms." I said

"I am a potter and have grown old. It is difficult to dig up the soil. You are young. You may dig the soil up and I shall offer you a place to rest and food." said the old potter

"Then we shall serve you first! Tell us from where we need to dig up the soil!" said Bhrata Bheem

"We need to dig up the soil to make pots, not mountains. We need to dig up a small amount of soil." said Nakul teasingly

"All amount of soil you dig up will be insufficient. Our Maharaj has organized a Swayamvar for our Rajkumariya. We have guests from all over. Pots, Diyao (Lamps) and vessels are required in great numbers." said the old potter

"The Swayamvar of Rajkumari Shikhandini?" I asked

"No. The Agni dev had blessed our Maharaj with a Putra and two Putriya. Our Rajkumariya Draupadi and Prishti are divine. Their Swayamvar will begin the day after tomorrow at dawn. The person who gets our Rajkumariya will be the most fortunate of all. I've heard their Sakis have come from Dwaraka Rajkumari Subhadra, Rajkumari Vrushali, Vasudev and Rajkumari Tara have come to witness their Swayamvar Rajkumari Tara has come with her two twins." said the old potter

"Rajkumari Tara gave birth to twins?" I asked

"Yes. I've heard her Putri died right after birth and Vasudev Krishn gave her life again hence the name Mrityunjaya the girl who lived after dying." said the old potter, Mata Kunti, Mata Madri, Jyesht, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I exchanged looks smiling in joy

Time skip

Jyesht, Bhrata Bheem and I were going to go and dig soil, the old potter put a plough and the mud dish

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