My Swayamvar

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Next morning

Tara's P.O.V.

It's been two days since Mata Kunti, Mata Madri, Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev left for Varnavat and they still didn't return, and today is my Swayamvar. I was sitting in front of the mirror the Dasis were puting the pieces of jewellery on my neck I was putting nose ring saw Gurumata (A/N: Sumitra. It is a made-up character by me. Who is Kripacharya's wife) and Dushala behind me through the mirror

"Taru, Gurumata is here to have your hair tied ritualistically." said Dushala, I smiled Gurumata took a big conch and put oil in my hair and combed it

"Why is there a ritual to tie the hair, Gurumata?" I asked

"Rajkumari, after marriage women do not leave their hair open. Only women who have lost their husbands leave their hair open. I will tie your hair after applying oil. Then your Pati will put a Chudamani on it." explained Gurumata, I blushed

"Taru, have you already decided who you're going to spend the rest of your life with?" said Dushala dramatically, I giggled and nodded

"Who is that unlucky man?" asked Dushala teasingly

"Shut up, Dusu." I snapped, Dushala laughed, after Gurumata tied my hair Dushala put on the ornaments on my hair

"So tell me who is that lucky man?" asked Dushala, I blushed

"My Bhaiyo's Mitra, Shoen." I said 

"Oh-ho..." trailed Dushala in an impressed tone, she hugged me around my neck from the back I held her hand

"So that is the reason Mata Kunti and Mata Madri ordered to make ornaments for him.?" she said, I nodded

"Rajkumari." called a dasi

"Tell me?" I asked

"Maharani Gandhari ordered you to proceed to your Swayamvar Bhavan (There is a Bhavan made for Tara's Swayamvar)." said the dasi, I nodded and raised my hand ordering the dasi to leave she left I stood up and took out the boxes Mata Kunti and Mata Madri gave me from the dressing table drawer

"What is in them?" asked Dushala, I smiled opening the box

"These are the gifts Pitashree had given Mata Kunti and Mata Madri on the day he was cursed." I said bowing my head slightly in sadness Dushala put her hand on my shoulder

"Dusu help me put these on." I said, Dushala helped me put the neckpieces

In Tara's Swayamvar Bhavan

I was outside the Swayamvar Bhavan waiting for Maharaj to call me in

Shoen's P.O.V.

Maharaj stood up 

"I welcome the invited guests in Hastinapur." he said joining his hand all the guests gave a nod

"All of you have been invited to take part in my Priya Anuj Pandu's Putri, Tara's Swayamvar. Unfortunately, Tara's Matao and Bhaiyo have gone for a Puja in Varnavat. Before we begin I would like to call two special guests, Tara's Sakiya Panchal Kumari Draupadi and Kumari Prishti!" said Maharaj pointing at the door every one looked at the doors two Rajkumariyo entered the Bhavan and took their seats

"Now," said Maharaj, evryone looked back at him

"not delaying any further. I call it the Swayamvara of this Swayamvar my Bhanji, Hastinapur Kumari, Madri Nandini, TARA!" he exclaimed pointing at the right of the Bhavan and sat down

(A/N: Ignore the song and all the people other than Pankhuri Awasthy.)

Tara got off the swing and walked through the Bhavan

Tara's P.O.V.

I got off the swing and walked through the Bhavan I looked at Maharaj joined my hands

"Pranipat, Tatshree." I greeted bowing my head towards Maharaj

"Kalyan ho." he blessed I walked to Pitamaha

"Pranipat, Pitamaha." I greeted touching his feet

"Ayushman bhavah, Putri." blessed Tatshree putting his hand on my head. I walked to Draupadi and Prishti I hugged them they hugged me back we pulled away we sat on a long throne (like a sofa)

"Let the Swayamvar begin!" said Maharaj, two Dasis brought thalis which had the Varmalas I walked with Draupadi and Prishti the two Dasis were walking behind us with the thali of Varmalas. Yhe first one was Ashwathama he stood up

"This is... Panchal raj Ashwathama." hesitated Draupadi I held her hand and we walked forwered it was Shoen I looked down slightly turning pink

"This is Mahrthi Shoen, a Priya Mitra of the Pandav. One of the greatest archers of in the entire Aryaverth." said Prishti. I looked at Shoen he was looking at me too. Four-five seconds later I heard Draupadi and Prishti clearing their throats I shivered slightly

"Are you going to keep staring at him or are you even going to put the Varmala.?"  asked Draupadi in a whisper I took a Varmala from the thali I looked at Shoen and put the Varmala around his neck I looked down turning red Shoen took the other Varmala and put it around my neck I smiled looking at him everyone threw flowers over us we walked to Pitamaha and touched his feet

"Putravati bhavah, Putri. Putrivati bhavah." he blessed, I smiled 

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