The truth about the Lakshagraha

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After sunset

Arjun's P.O.V.

Nakul was looking at himself in the mirror stroking the mouse. Jyesht, Bhrata Bheem and Sahadev were playing Chausar. I was telling Bhrata Yudhisthir about Madhav

"Madhav shaved Rukmi's head with his Chakra. Now he won't try to mess with Dwaraka." I said looking at bhrata Yudhisthir he was looking at Nakul stroking the mouse

"What's the worry, bhratashree?" I asked

"Not worried. I was wondering why Kakashree sent a mouse. What is he trying to tell us?" said Bhrata Yudhisthir, Bhrata Bheem got up then Jyesht and Sahadev got up.

"I'm sure he's trying to tell Kul, that no matter how much the mouse stands in front of the mirror it won't become any beautiful." said bhrata Bheem, we all laughed

"Leave the mirror alone. Don't you get tired, looking at yourself." said Bhrata Bheem, Nakul turned around

"What's there to get tired, Bhratashree?" he chuckled

"Even you look at yourself in the mirror, when you have the time." he said stroking the mouse

"I look at my arms." said Bhrata Bheem showing his muscles smirking proudly

"Han, tho jeske pas jo dekne yogya hota hai, wo ussi ko to dektahe(Yes, one looks at what he possesses.)" said Nakul, Bhrata Bheem lowered his hands

"Ub aap ka mook tho dekhne yogya hai nahi(Now your face is not worth looking at.)" said Nakul we all laughed other than Bhrata Bheem he looked at me

"Jun's face was worth looking at," he said, I stopped laughing

"when he dressed up as a girl." he said they all laughed

"Our Mata Kunti and Mata Madri will be sad, to know that the one who is known as the strongest man in the world," I said, Bhrata Bheem puting his hand on his hips smirking proudly again

"he sits in the kitchen and cooks." I said, he stopped smirking

"Just like a beautiful and graceful bahu. (Daughter-in-law)" I said, we all laughed other than Bhrata Bheem

"Arjun!" snapped Bhrata Bheem and walked towards me I made a scared face

"Bhrata Bheem... Bhrata Bheem! Bhrata Bheem! Bhrata Bheem! Bhrata Bheem!" I said, he interlocked his and mine trying to wrestle.

"Bhrata Bheem!" I yelled as he pushed me down and laughed

"Bheem," said Bhrata Yudhisthir we all looked at him Bhrata Bheem stopped laughing

"Go and see whether the food is cooked or not." he said. Jyesht, Nakul, Sahadev and I started laughing again

"Bhratashree, you too?!" said Bhrata Bheem, Bhrata Yudhisthir smiled

"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's time for dinner, that's why I asked you. Go." he said

"C'mon Dev." said Bhrata Bheem

"I'll come too" said Jyesht

"Go, Bhrata Bheem, cook the food." I said and laughed as I got up to my feet

"Jyesht!" called Nakul we all looked at him

"Bhrata Yudhisthir mentioned in the letter there is something important we want to tell you two about Jiji Taru." he said

"Oh, Yes. What is it?" I asked, Bhrata Bheem and Sahadev left

"Now what I'm about to tell you it's the truth." said Bhrata Yudhisthir, Jyesht and I exchanged looks

Unique MahabharatOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora