Draupadi and Prishti refuse to accept Ashwathama

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Prishti's P.O.V.

"Govind, Rajkumar Arjun and Yuvraj Karn will come to the Swayamvar, right?" I asked

"I have a feeling, Prish that if Bhrata Arjun does arrive you'll know about it before any of us do." said Tara teasingly

"Shut up, Taru!" I snapped blushing and slightly punching Tara on her forearm.

Arjun's P.O.V.

We were roaming around the empty village

"I told you everyone would've gone to see the Swayamvar." said Nakul

"Splendid! Instead of giving Dan everyone has gone to seek it." said Bhrata Bheem

"If you do not get any food what will become of you, Bhrata Bheem?" asked Nakul

"I can even eat the leaves of a tree because the poison does not affect me. What will become of you, Kul?" said Bhrata Bheem pushing Nakul we all laughed even Nakul laughed

"So, let's proceed to Kampilya then. If we stay cautious no one will recognize us." said Sahadev

"No, Dev. There must be another village here. We should go there. We must not go to Kampilya. We have no business being at the Swayamvar there." I said

"All the villages will be empty, I guarantee that." said Nakul

"We should at least try, Nakul. Let's go." said Jyesht

An hour later

We walked through eleven empty villages

"I told you." said Nakul

"I have firm faith that there is indeed a village in this direction." said Bhrata Bheem

"And will be empty. Face it, all the villages will be empty, let's just go Kampilya" wined Nakul, we saw two rishis coming

"I see some sages over there. We should go ask them. What do you think, Bhrata Sthir?" said Sahadev

"L-Let me ask them. Let me do it." said Bhrata Bheem we walked forward

"Pranipat, Rishiver." we all greeted

"Kalyan ho. In which direction are you headed, young brahmins?" asked one of the rishis

"We are proceeding towards Naimisharany. But before we proceed further we wish to seek some dan. That is why, we are searching for a village." said Bhrata Bheem

"When the raja himself has engaged in dan then why do all of you need to seek dan from the villagers? Let's go towards the city of Kampilya. One will be rid of one's poverty for life. Let's go. Come with us." said the rishi, we exchanged looks

"Rishiver, we are grateful to you but we-"

"Let all this be and come with us." said the rishi interrupting Bhrata Yudhisthir

"Rishiver, you lead the way and we shall follow." I said joining my hand

"Alright. As you wish." said the rishis and walked forward

"Let's go in this direction." I said gesturing to left

Prishti's P.O.V.

Half on the Rajao and Rajkumaro couldn't even lift the Dhanush

"Even that Raja got defeated, Vasudev." started Pitashree, we looked at him

"I have firm faith that the capability to win this competition lies only with Arjun and Karn." he said

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