It all Started with a Follow Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

“I am so thankful to have you.” I told him smiling.

“I know. And glad you smiled.” He said while smiling at me.

He then left after giving Alyssa a kiss on the cheek.

As soon as he left I told Alyssa I wanted to go to bed and she can watch a movie. I know it was only nine and we were on winter vacation. But eye lids felt heavy. They always do when I cry.

She told me okay and cuddled up next to me. As soon as my bed hit the pillow I knocked out.

I woke up the next morning and Alyssa was still sleeping. I didn’t even bother wanting to wake up her up. I checked my phone and I had twenty text messages from the asshole. This is what they said.

1.      Answer your phone.

2.      Let me explain what happened.

3.      Its not what it seems like just let me explain.

4.      Jannie I need to talk to you

5.      I can’t sleep unless I hear your voice telling me goodnight.

6.      Answer

7.      Can we work this out?

8.      I don’t like Demi I LIKE YOU

9.      Jannie please

10.  I’m begging

11.  I want to hear your voice :[

12.  Babe?

13.  Why’d you unfollow me on twitter and change your picture</3


15.  You’re on my mind.

16.  So you are not going to talk to me?

17.  I fucked up man

18.  Sorry I am douche bag

19.  I deserve to be ignored

20.  But I still want you in my life<3

I decided to go take a look on his twitter.

“You always know what you have but you never thought you would lose it.” Said one of his tweets.

“No matter always fight for what you want and never give up. #TeamInspire”

I tweeted “People always take my for granted. And then people wonder why I don’t open up.”

“All I need in my life are my best friends John and Alyssa an I don’t need no lover.”

My phone started vibrating I looked and Wesley was calling me. I declined. I then tweeted.

“You still have the guys to call me? Get out of my life. Forever.” I tweeted.

I then turned my phone off. I don’t want to hear from him. My dad was still out of town until Saturday. I guess dad will never get to meet Wesley.

I went downstairs and saw my mom left a note. Be back at five with your aunt. She will spending a couple of days here. Love you xoxo” said the note. I then saw John in my backyard. I opened the door.

“Hey” I said. He then looked up at me as if I took him out of his deep thoughts.

“Hi.” He said.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked.

“The front door was locked and didn’t want to wake you figured I’d wait out here.” He said and got up.

“Come inside.” I told him. As we were walking into the house Alyssa came down the stairs.

“Good morning my beautiful best friend.” Alyssa said and gave me a hug.

“Morning.” I told her and hugged her back. We just spend the morning talking and eating.

Soon they left. And now I was home alone for about another hour. Then the house phone starting ringing.

I went to it and see on the caller I.D it was my mom.

“Sweetie why haven’t you answered your phone?” my mom said.

“Oh sorry mom I turned it off.” I apologized.

“I got worried sick. But I wanted to tell you your dad finished early and is coming home tonight we will be home around eleven me and your aunt will be picking him up.” My mom told me.

“Okay. That’s fine mom. I love you.” I told her.

Which is a good thing. Cause when I watch xFactor tonight. I can cry myself to sleep once more.  

- The story is almost over :( I know sad. But I was wondering who would read my Drew Fan Ficiton after this one is over?

Oh and 30 votes for Chapter 22 :D 

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