10. Childhood Friends

Start from the beginning

Seonghwa's horns were small ones that grew from his forehead to droop in front of his eyes. Even when he always filed them so he could see well, they always reminded Mingi of floppy dog ears. He had wrapped a festive ribbon around one that matched his fiery hair colour.

"I didn't expect Prince Yunho to be so kind! Or well, we all knew he was, but usually, royals are all talk. I'm delighted to hear that there is more to him. I would have lost the duel if I had to fight for your honour," Seonghwa commented satisfied on Mingi's tale once he ended. Mingi had sipped his tea to wet his parched throat again and rolled his eyes.

"Don't even try. I would be even more of an embarrassment if people found out we're friends."

Gasping offendedly, Seonghwa put his chin on his hand. Pretty hands but full of marks from work. His smile softened as he studied Mingi's face, finding only contentment there.

"I'm glad I don't have to. The kingdom is not ready yet to receive me as their new ruler," he jested. Mingi rolled his eyes.

"So, do you like it? As far as Yunho is involved you are very comfortable in the castle, but what about the work? You aren't the tame type." Seonghwa's free hand traced the rim of his cup. He wore a silver ring on his fourth finger, not as a vow to anyone, but to fend off the masses of unwanted suitors he had. Despite his rank, Seonghwa was a sought-after man in their town.

Mingi rubbed his name as he thought about it. Being shunned and forced to shut up every so often bothered him sometimes. But in general, he avoided a lot of trouble since he could just duck and keep silent.

"The castle is scary. I think going there as anyone who gathers more attention is worse. And since I get good pay and food, I can't complain," Mingi grinned brightly. Seonghwa's face lit up as he copied the gesture.

"Well then! Now, let me tell you about the dress I made last week for a distinguished lady. In the meantime, we will get your horns back into shape so you can look pretty for the royal family."

The idea was a sweet daydream. That Mingi would actually be considered attractive for those high-ranking individuals. Especially a certain high-ranking individual that Mingi found very attractive himself.

Seonghwa rose to ready a basin and the file. He brought a cloth along and a pillow for Mingi's neck. They positioned it under his nape. Once Mingi was comfortable, Seonghwa gently grasped his horns to tilt Mingi's head back to tip over the backrest of his chair. Mingi relaxed and closed his eyes while Seonghwa brushed his hair to the side.

"Did they comment on this?" A fingertip tapped the upper end of Mingi's scar. Mingi wagged his brow to shoo it off.

"Yeosang said it makes me look wild. Yunho called it handsome," Mingi recalled with a bashful grin. "He also calls our horns draped. As if they are something gracious."

"That's an acceptable word to use, yes," Seonghwa hummed. He handed Mingi the comb to hold on to. Mingi absent-mindedly played with the bone teeth. Seonghwa washed his horns clean so no possible dirt would come into the open tissue.

"Careful, here comes the file," was the fair warning Mingi received. He tightened his claws around the comb, careful not to break it. The first brush of the file was always the worst. It never hurt too bad, but the sudden zap of pain was nothing he missed until it returned.

Mingi grit his jaw as Seonghwa carefully smoothed out the sharp edges and made the tips rounder and shorter. Trimming horns was an intimate thing to do, mostly because of the trust put in the trimming person while vulnerable. The job of a horn-trimmer paid well but required a lot of skill and calm hands. Seonghwa was no expert at it, but he knew Mingi's horns well.

Some blood dripped into the basin below, but Seonghwa cautiously kept it to a minimum. Each time Mingi sat there for him, he wondered how the rebellious youth these days actually wore piercings in their horns or cut them into controversial shapes. Beauty meant pain, and Mingi would much rather look weird with his curly horns than cut them into a chic shape and bleed for days.

Seonghwa rambled on about the dress and his customer, distracting Mingi's thoughts to the best of his ability. With pinched eyes, Mingi listened, barely focused on the man's voice whenever blood tickled him on its way down.

The finishing touches were those near Mingi's eyes, the perilous edges that were hard to access. Seonghwa leaned against his shoulder as he shaved them down and caught the blood in the cloth before it could drip over Mingi's clothes.

As soon as the file switched to the second horn, the pain began once again. But the second one was always quicker since Seonghwa figured out the outgrown angles faster. Soon after, the file pulled back and Mingi relaxed.

"There you go! All pretty again," Seonghwa cheered. He allowed Mingi to sit up while he washed the blood off until it coloured the water in the basin pink. Then, he generously slathered a healing ointment on.

"Let me get the bandages," Seonghwa sing-sang at him. Without the constant pain on his horns, Mingi's tense mood soon evened out again. He sipped his tea to calm his aching nerves.

Seonghwa wrapped his horns prettily and patted Mingi's shoulder after.

"Good job." As he carried off the basin, Mingi sat up again to relieve the strain in his neck. The thick bandage sat securely and wrapped his horns in a matching colour they usually had. Satisfied with the job, Mingi patted them. They throbbed with dull pain still, but his wounds healed fast so it wouldn't hurt long. Mingi just had to be careful if he put pressure on them.

Once Seonghwa returned, he checked the tips of Mingi's horns again to make sure they were wrapped tightly. Then he sat back down with a content nod.

"When do you have to return?" Seonghwa peeked out of the window. The sky hadn't darkened yet, but the natural light of day didn't shine anymore. Soon, Mingi would have to leave if he wanted to make it back to the castle before nightfall.

At the reminder of what his evening would hold, a swoop of nervous thrill rushed through Mingi once more. He loved spending time with Seonghwa and cherished any second their busy workdays allowed them. And yet, he looked forward to seeing Yunho again tonight even more.

"Actually," Mingi began. Interested at the shift in tone, Seonghwa perched up. His eyes studied Mingi's sheepish expression.

"I mentioned how Yunho wears this piercing in his belly button, right? He suggested I wore one, too, since it would fit me so well. And tonight, he wants to put one on me."

Surprised, Seonghwa glanced at Mingi's open shirt. He probably tried to imagine it. His thoughtful hum had Mingi grin.

"I know, I'm a coward when it concerns pain. But I trust him to be gentle."

"From all I've heard of him tonight, there would be no better person to do it, yes. You'll need to come by soon again then, to show me! And I hope for your sake it won't hurt too much." Seonghwa stood so they could hug. For a moment, their tails brushed in a goodbye wish.

"I will stay strong. No way I will embarrass myself in front of Yunho." Mingi clutched his hand into a fist full of confidence. When his heart nervously reminded him he would likely fail, he pushed the notice aside brusquely.

Seonghwa stepped back from him with a nod.

"Of course! Well then, return to your castle and your prince. And see you next time."

Seonghwa followed Mingi until the door to wave him off. Full of his artificially manufactured confidence, Mingi strode back up the mountain. Each step closer to the castle had some determination flake off him. By the time he reached the massive bridge, he was back to a trembling mess. With his tail clutched between his hands and nervous claws brushing through the soft hair at the end of it, he yielded into the palace.

Even when he was scared, he would not back out. He wanted to wear that piercing proudly for Yunho and receive his praise for remaining strong through the pain.

Before Mingi stepped into the castle, he closed his shirt again. Then, he went right to his room to change and visit Yunho.

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