𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙩𝙬𝙤

Start from the beginning

"That's what I mean." Nova sung as she spun around

"That's how you swing." EJ was right after her, his spin coming right after with the glove in his hand.

"You make a good pitch but I don't believe."

"I say you can." Nova hummed as she turned quickly toward the Caswell boy.

"I know I can't ." he sung back, intimidating like.

"I don't danceeeeee." the pair sung on que, turning around quickly to be right infront of each other. Nova grabbed EJ's baseball tee to pull him closer to add to the dramatics, giving a nasty glare before pushing him back.

The audience cheered as the lights lowered on their scene, indicating it had been over. Everyone hurried off the gym floor as Nova grabbed her nose, feeling it began to bleed. EJ was close after in a panic, "Nova, I am so sorry."

"Okay, someone grab the medic please." Miss Jenn spoke fast as she grabbed hold of Nova, "Both of you, brilliant, amazing. Nova, sweetie, you did exactly what a true actor should do."

"Thanks, Miss Jenn." Nova smiled as the medic hurried to her, grabbing her face to whip her nose.

"Is it broken?" EJ panicked.

Nova laughed, "It's just a bleed."

"And a black eye." The medic hummed.

"I'm so sorry. I thought I had it down and I don't think-" EJ began before Nova placed her hand on his face.

"That was all me. It wasn't your fault, it's okay." she tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"I completely ruined your college scouts." EJ shook his head. Nova shrugged the medic off as she turned completely to EJ.

"You didn't ruin anything for me. You never have." Nova spoke as she cupped his cheeks, watching them squeeze together slightly, "That was the most fun i've had in a while. We're actors, not athletes. You cheated in waterpolo, didn't you?"

EJ laughed at her words as he felt her finger writing something on his face, "What are you writing?"

"Same thing I wrote to you in rehearsals the first day." Nova said with soft eyes up at him, "I miss you."

EJ blinked, "I'm right here."

"I miss you as in I miss when we were together." Nova shook her head as she smiled at him, "I didn't realize how much I wanted us to be together until we weren't. And i'm saying all that because I have a lot of adrenaline right now and feel like I could run a marathon."

EJ opened his mouth to say something before Carlos came around the corner, "Get to your positions for Stick To The Status Que. Ginas back!"

Nova hurried off as EJ called out to her, but she'd been gone already.

"Hey, hey, is Ricky okay?" Nova asked as she hurried toward Carlos when Ricky hurried off stage, "What happened to him out there?"

"Don't worry about him. Why are you running everywhere?" Carlos asked with wide eyes.

"I said something to EJ and I really don't wanna hear his reaction right now." Nova shook her head quickly, "I don't want to mess this up for either of us."

"Did you shove something up his nose?" Ashlyn asked with wide eyes.

"His nose looks fine." Seb said with wide eyes, looking out at the gym. The pair followed his gaze and found EJ with the Bolton jersey on.

"Oh my god, look at him go." Nova gushed as she watched the pair.

"I guess you could call it that. Or just a smelly gym." EJ said back to Ninis words. Nova rolled her eyes as she watched Nini whisper something to EJ.

"I hate to sound like a jerk." Nova said honestly, "But she shouldn't be a freaking actor. Just say the stupid lines."

EJ rolled his eyes as well as as he passed the ball to Nini. She took it, missed the shot as well. EJ hurried after the ball, "Woah. Don't tell me you're good at hoops, too?"

"Um... I once scored forty-one points at a league championship game." she said back.

"She's back on track, cmon, Nini." Nova nodded with confidence, hoping to have faith in Nini.

"No way."

"Uh, yeah, in the same day I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn."

The audience laughed as Nini grabbed her mic and whispered over to EJ again. Nova rolled her eyes, "Can she not save her questions for after?"

"She's gonna mess this up." Ashlyn panicked.

"She already has." Nova said, looking out at the audience and finding the DePaul scout with a bored and unimpressed expression, "Everyone knows scouts don't just look at one persons acting, they watch the whole show."

"You did great, don't worry." Seb tried to help her.

"Yeah, I know I did. But if the only scout is in a bad mood now, he's definitely gonna be a picky jerk when it comes to watching me." Nova panicked as she began to take deep breaths and have her palms sweat

"Miss, i'm sorry, this is a closed practice." The actor of Troys dad walked onto the gym.

"Dad, practice is over." EJ laughed as he threw the ball in his hand.

"Uh, no, it's all good. I'll be getting on my way." Nini shook her head, going off scripted as EJ gave a odd look toward Carlos by his side.

Nini was hurrying past Nova, Ashlyn, and Seb when Nova grabbed hold of her arm tightly, "Ow, Nova."

"If you wanna screw up your own future, that's fine by me. But maybe use your brain a little before you ruin your scenes and go completely off script. Thank you for making this all look like a joke and a poorly written act."Nova spoke angrily as she yanked her hand off of Ninis arm with a glare in her eyes, "You have no respect for anyone except yourself and that clearly was shown tonight."

Nini gapped with a red face as Nova stormed away from her.

kylie speaks

before any of you
come for nova again
for saying something to
nini, the chick had it
coming. if you are apart
of competitive theatre, you
should know that when scouts
come to watch you, their moods
often times reflect on how they
will judge you. with the DePaul
scout annoyed and off putting
bc it was very clear nini was
messing thing off, he will have
a sour mood already as he
judges novas actions. nova is
known to go over board about
things but she had every right
to say what she said for not
only her sake but also ej's and
the rest of her cast mates.

 nova isknown to go over board aboutthings but she had every rightto say what she said for not only her sake but also ej's andthe rest of her cast mates

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