"He wants me to come back! Aha! This is so surreal!" You laughed aloud, you had to take a lap around your room.

"Alright! Now... how do I do it again? Oh, right- I have to sleep again." You mumbled to yourself.

You ran to your door and shouted aloud, "I'm busy up here, please don't bother me!" Hopefully your parents don't barge in and wake you up. This is serious business!

You flopped back down on your bed clutching the TemPad to your chest you start imagining Loki waiting for you in a field. Not even a minute later you felt your body start to sink into your bed, and with a jolt you opened your eyes.

You had to use your hand to block the sun that blinded you, "Did I do it?" You looked down in your hand, the TemPad was still there.

"(Y/N)." You heard a soft, British voice greet you from behind. You pivoted on your heel to see the face of the voice.

You locked eyes with Sylvie. "Didn't expect this Loki to greet me." You pouted.

She rolled her eyes at you and waved her arm over, "C'mon, he's waiting for you." She grumbled out, almost jealous. You nodded and decided to follow her.

You walked up a hill full of green, tall, grass. In the near distance you could see a man sitting upon a boulder that sat right in front of a cliff that looked upon the sea. "He's been waiting for you." She whispered from besides you.

"Really?" You asked in awe. This is really happening. Again.

She nodded. "Now, go."

You didn't even hesitate to start walking towards the man. Your steps fell silent as you approached his side. His beautiful side profile stunned you. His sculpted nose that sat on the face of a God (literally), his long raven colored hair and that grin. That damned grin sat upon his face. Once he heard the shaky breathe you let out he turned to look at you. 

"Hello, darling." His grin turned into a genuine smile. You looked down at the sitting man in awe.

"I'm here." You watched his eyes leave your face to look you in the eyes.

"I'm so delighted." He grasped your hands in his and tugged them to signal you to sit down. In lightning speed, you sat yourself. 

"I don't really understand what's going on, but I frankly don't care enough to." You looked back at the calming ocean. Hearing the crashing of the waves against the side of the cliff calmed you.

"You aren't real, (Y/N)." He spoke as he turned his attention towards the ocean as well.

You gulped, "I know."

He went silent and let out a breathe, "I'm sorry for how I acted before when you were forced to leave."

You looked at him, "Wait, so He Who Remains, woke me up?" He nodded his head to your question. Well, that explains it.

You grabbed for his hand and he looked at you, "I want to stay here with you."

He gave you a small smile, "I know." 

You pouted at his lack of response. "Wow. So charming." 

"I want you to stay." His eyes held so much pain. "I don't want you to leave me."

Your eyes stung with tears, "Then I'll stay."

He let out a soft chuckle, "But you can't." He stood and started for the edge of the cliff. You followed suit and stood next to him as he stopped at the edge.

"Will you remember me?" You softly spoke.

He turned his head slightly towards you, "What do you mean?"

Your eye lids brimmed with tears and your voice began to waiver, "If I don't come back, will you at least remember me?"

He fully turned himself toward you and softly gripped your chin. You turned your body to face him and looked him in the eyes. His eyes held so many emotions just like your own. "Please."

Loki then bent down towards you and placed a soft kiss upon your lips. You gripped the front of his shirt wanting to remember the way this moment felt. 

He pulled away replying with, "I could never forget you, (Y/N)." His voice was soft. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and gave you a tight hug. "Please come back to me."

You couldn't muster up any words so all you could do was nod. 

Feeling heavy all you could do was frown, your body was waking up. "It seems that I no longer can stay for the time being." You looked at him and he gave a small smile.

"Just, come back to me, alright?"


You gave him a small smile before you left. "Goodbye, Loki,"

"Goodbye my darling."

"Now wake up."

And you did. 

But the TemPad disappeared.

And you haven't been able to go back to that reality for months.

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