(Mini Story 2) Memories

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Katie married first after her second London season to a wonderful husband named Viscount Arthur Lange, the couple now has three children of their own. Four years after that, Henry married Lady Charlotte Walsh. Henry was only 25 but they were truly in love, Charlotte gave birth to their first child the following year. Anthony and Elizabeth youngest child, Claire married The Duke of Clement and a very good friend to The Bridgerton family when Claire was 19. 

Anthony and Elizabeth had three out of four children married and four beautiful grandchildren with many more to come. 

The last to find a spouse was the quiet and calm Gideon. It wasn't that he couldn't find a wife earlier, quite the contrary, being next inline for the title of Viscount Bridgerton brought lots options. Gideon just hadn't found a woman that had interested him. He made excuses about all the girls, saying they were too loud, too stupid, and some were too vain. That was till the brilliant Lady Sarah Jordan was found. 

The couple met at one of the balls at Bridgerton house over the previous London season, though they weren't quite in the ballroom when they met. 

Gideon had managed to escape the boisterous mothers of the ton that had tried to introduce their daughters to him. He headed to his most precious place, the library. Walking into the room at first nothing seemed out of place, that was until Gideon saw a blonde head sitting in one of the Wingback chairs facing the lit fire place. Stepping closer he didn't think to make his presence known, instead walking quietly up to the back of the chair peering over to find a woman reading one of Gideon's favourite works Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. 

Taking a step back Gideon cleared his throat startling the woman who jumped up spun around to revealing her beautiful green eyes. The girl immediately spoke, though Gideon was still admiring her eyes. "I-Im sorry, I was just trying to escape the ball." Gideon almost smiled at the irony of their combined situations. "Don't worry I was hoping to escape to the library as well but it seems I have been too slow-moving." Gideon said comfortingly. "I can leave, giving you the room." The woman started walking to the door but Gideon stopped her. "No. Don't go, I wouldn't force anyone to have to go back to a ballroom, that would just be cruel." After he spoke, Gideon took a moment trying to name the lady across the room, but he didn't recognize her. Gideon came to the conclusion that he hasn't been introduced to the fine lady yet. "Im Lord Gideon Bridgerton, but who might you be?" Gideon saw the woman's face scrunch up and he heard a soft mutter. "You just showed utter rudeness to a Bridgerton, you just had to go and be a disgrace." Gideon waited for the woman to respond to him not wishing for her to know he heard her spoken thoughts. "Im-My name is Lady Sarah Jordan, my lord." 

"You don't have to call me that, I don't use the title if I can help it." Gideon didn't know why he said this, as he normally tried to not converse with his bridal prospects, but Lady Sarah intrigued him.  "What do you wish I call you then?" Asked Sarah.

 Sarah had lived in her family's isolated country house for her entire life, but since turning 16 her family had wished for her to go to the London season, though she got out of it the first three years, she wasn't as lucky on the fourth. Sarah would rather be hidden away in her room or out in the backfields reading. She was never much for socializing. 

"What do you wish to call me Lady Sarah?" Asked Gideon in return to her question. "I could call you Bridgerton?" Responded Sarah with a questioning tone. "Well that could work if I didn't have multiple siblings and cousins with the same last name, who already go by Bridgerton." Responded Gideon humorously. "You could use my given name not many do, so I will know it is you calling for me." Gideon knew it wasn't appropriate to use ones given name but he would be damed if he cared. "Can I?" Replied Sarah, her brows furrowed. "I will only answer if you do." Was Gideons only reply. "Alright but if I can call you Gideon, you must call me Sarah." 

And Since meeting in the library their small friendship grew rapidly till Gideon found himself in love with Sarah. And that leads us to the day of the wedding of The Honourable Lord Gideon Albert Donnell Bridgerton and Lady Sarah Clarice Jordan.

~The Morning Of The Wedding~

"Anthony?" Elizabeth groaned, while she lay in bed durning the early morning, her husband beside her. "When did we get so ancient?" Elizabeth watched Anthony stirred in his sleep but didn't respond.

The couple was still a handsome couple, they just now had sore joints and a dash of wrinkles.

Elizabeth turns and whacks Anthony for ignoring her. Anthony groaned and then looked to his wife with pleading eyes to have mercy on her old husband. "Oh Anthony" Elizabeth sighed and then giggled at his expression. "But truly Anthony, how did we get so old?" Elizabeth looked to Anthony as he took her hand in his." We are not old, just well worn my dear." Anthony said while giving his wife a kiss on her hand.

"Yes I find we are well worn with many memories. Can you believe our quiet Gideon is getting married Today?" Elizabeth shared her fears to her husband about Gideon never finding a wife, and Anthony knew that the news of the wedding had taken a mound of pressure off Elizabeth. "I knew my boy would find a wife, he just took his time finding the right one just like his father did." Elizabeth giggled at her husband. "Do you remember when you wanted to teach him to fence and he refused saying that Katie had more interest than he ever would, so you taught Katie how instead. Our family is truly remarkable." Elizabeth loved talking about their children with Anthony. "I do, I also remember Henry falling off his horse at 7 and standing up dusting himself off and getting right back on. I truly wonder how that boy didn't break his neck." Elizabeth always wonders how Henry was an indestructible child but he was. "Think how close Claire and Gideons families will be, Sarah and Claire are the same age and Gideon and John seem to be close friends." "Yes I think the families are quite lucky to have each other." Replied Anthony.

"Sarah hold still before I stick you with this hair pin." Said Claire as she placed Sarah's veil. The bride has been getting ready all morning with her matron of honour, and new found best friend Claire. "Oh sorry." Replied Sarah still fiddling with her glove and dress. "Relax Sarah, you will be fine." Reassured Claire. "But what if Gideon changes his mind and doesn't want just plain me." Claire chuckles then responds. "Gideon is too in love with you to change his mind." Sarah giggled at that.

"John when you married Claire did you also feel the need to hurl?" Gideon asked John as he fiddles with is cravats and cufflinks. His brother-in-law, and Closest friend replies. "Im afraid so my friend and the nerves won't settle until you see your bride walking down the aisle." Gideon starts pacing around his dressing room. "That is if she walks down the aisle." John Chuckles then says. "I may be a quiet man Gideon, but I will shout this to all of England if I have to, Sarah loves you entirely and she will be walking down that aisle." John gave Gideon a reassuring smile before they were off to the church. 

And final Viscount Gideon Bridgerton was off the London marriage market.

AN: And this marks the end of the book. Thank you for reading!!!

Also this chapter was just for fun.

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