(7) The Storm

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Small sandwiches were prepared for lunch as well as platter's of cold meats and cakes. Elizabeth  personally detested lunch as it was the least nutritious of the days meals. "What have you been doing all day Beth?" Katherine asked. "I was invited to play Pall-mall with the Bridgerton children." Elizabeth rushes her answer so Katherine doesn't catch the last part, but Katherine wouldn't let Elizabeth off that easy. "Oh did you now." Katherine said slyly. "What are you implying, Miss Katherine." Lady Denver  added. "Oh nothing mother." Katherine said while smiling at Elizabeth. The conversation was turned onto a different topic and Elizabeth was quite glad.

"You two go to tea with Lady Bridgerton, I think I shall take a rest now." Said Lady Denver . "Alright mother feel well soon." replied Katherine. Elizabeth and Katherine were sent down to the sitting room were Lady Bridgerton and a few of her children and guests were seated on the sofas. "Good afternoon Katherine, Elizabeth do take a seat. Is your mother joining us?" Ask Lady Bridgerton warmly. "I am afraid not, she was feeling rather unwell and has chosen to rest till dinner." explained Katherine while walking over to the open seat and sitting down. Elizabeth did the same, she glanced over the room, Anthony wasn't their which put Elizabeth at ease. Katherine and Elizabeth had a blast conversing with the family and other guests. 

Elizabeth and Katherine had returned to their room to find their mother sitting in a chair reading. "Did you even rest?" asked Elizabeth while laughing. "No I lied about being unwell, I wanted to see how you two would do on your own." Confessed Lady Denver. "I should have know." Elizabeth said wickedly, and then gave a heart warming.

The time was now nearing 5:00 and the girls had begun dressing for dinner. "Elizabeth you should wear this dress the colour is beautiful on you." Katherine stated which Lady Denver had to agree. And without contradiction from Elizabeth they trio was dressed and had their hair done in fabulous designs. 

They walk down the hall to the top of the stairs and began to take their first few steps down when a voice came from below. "You all look enchanting." Lady Bridgerton complimented. Anthony was standing beside his mother and all he could do was stare but not at Katherine, yes she was beautiful as well but it was Elizabeth that took his breath away at that very moment, she stepped gracefully down in with the train of her beautiful lilac dress sweeping the ground it had a rhinestone beaded trim on her sleeves that reached just over the top of her shoulder. She was stunning to Anthony, at this realization Anthony looked away to Katherine and offered her his hand as to escort her into the room. 'I have to remember my intentions, no more distractions.' spoke in his mind. 

Katherine sat beside Anthony and Elizabeth was across the table and two seats over Colin and Eloise had been seated beside her. "Eloise, did you hear of Miss Elizabeths victory in Pall-mall this morning?" Asked Colin nudging Elizabeth. Who giggled at the praise. "I have seems that I choose a bad year to miss the Pall-mall match." said Eloise "I would have loved to see the look at Anthony's face as the ball had been hit into the lake." Eloise spoke turning to look and smile down the table to Anthony who had heard their conversation and was now glaring at Colin for bringing it up. Anthony glanced at Elizabeth but quickly turned to Katherine the events after the Pall-mall match still fresh on his mind, Elizabeth was still on his mind. 

Beside the tension from Anthony, Elizabeth enjoyed the dinner. After was a evening of dancing, laughing and music. In which Elizabeth had played the piano numerous times, and danced with a few gentleman, but most of Elizabeths efforts were to stay away from Anthony. The festivities had come to a close and the guests retreated to their rooms. Katherine and lady grace seemed to find sleep instantly, but Elizabeth laid awake staring into the ceiling. After an hour of blank stares Elizabeth quietly, as to not wake her family, pulled back the blanket and picked up her night robe, a unlit candle and a match. she creeped out of the room opening the door and escaped into the hall, she had planned on finding the library and doing some reading to help her fall asleep, she had shut the door and lit the candle and walked at a fast pace, for if she was seen at this time of night, someone would believe she had other intentions. So she stoped at every corner and poked her head around to ensure no one was there. 

She had made it to the library door and slipped in leaving the door slightly open, the only light was from her lone candle and the slight opening from the drapes on the window, allowing moon light through. Elizabeth had set her candle down on a table in the middle of the room to allow her free hands to examine the books. Then she heard it, rain... and it was pounding against the window pane. Elizabeth knew what harsh rain would imply and she froze staring at the small opening and then she hurried it the thunder sounding through her body Elizabeth flew her hands over her ears and knelt to the ground the lightning soon followed the flashing made Elizabeth panic, she forgot everything. 

Anthony had returned, Immediately after the party, to his study. He quickly lost track of time and was working till the early hours of the morning. Anthony pulled out his pocket watch and his eyes widened at seeing the time. 'It 2:00 already!' Thought Anthony. 'I should probably return to my room and get some sleep.' Anthony cleared his desk and had stood up grabbing his candle and making his way to the door, He opened and shut his study door turning to  lock it. A glow of light had caught his eye it seemed to be a storm has come down on Aubrey Hall. Anthony didn't mind storms, he rather found them calming. As he turned to make his way  up the stairs he saw another light this one coming form what seemed to be a candle. The light came from the library, Anthony thought that someone had left the candle burning unwatched in the library  and was not impressed.

'Who would leave a burning flame, in a library, how irresponsible.' Anthony had walked to the library door pushing it open, he looked around to see if their was anyone present in the room but he didn't see anyone but he heard than it was a soft whimper. It took couple of moments for Anthony to place where the sound had come from. Anthony located the soft cry's to be under the table and when he peered down he didn't know who to expect but he most certainly didn't expect Elizabeth. She was sitting under the desk curled up with her knees pressed against her chest and her face was pressed into her crossed arms she was shacking and she hadn't realized anyone was their till they spoke, yet she didn't move. "Elizabeth." The voice whispered. "It's alright." Elizabeth recognized the voice it was Anthony but even when her mind had recognized him her body was still tightly bundled together, Anthony was now beside her under the table and had brought her into a comforting embrace and gently stroking her dark curls, as he did with Hyacinth when she was scared of the storms. Elizabeth leaned into Anthony, his warmth calming her shaking body. "Shhh, you're safe Beth, you're safe." Anthony sat with Elizabeth for over an hour the storm had passed and the pounding rain had turned into a light sprinkle and Elizabeth's cry's had halted. Neither wanted to move both felt completely at ease in each others embrace, but Anthony had to make sure Elizabeth was alright and then the thought came, Anthony had forgotten all about his behaviour with Elizabeth a unmarried lady, he had to make sure no one saw them as if they did Anthony would be married to the wrong Miss Denver. 

"Are you alright now Elizabeth." Anthony asked. "Yes." Elizabeth spoke after having the same realization as Anthony. "I must get back to my room." Elizabeth jumped up pulling Anthony with her. "And so do you, you know what would happen if someone had seen us together."  "Your right, and we need to hurry." Anthony replied picking up the candle's and handing one to Elizabeth. The pair walked out of the library shutting the door behind them. "Thank you." Elizabeth said before she hurried to the stairs. "Your welcome Beth." Anthony whispered. He had walked back to his study as to wait before returning to his room.  

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