(1) Thought

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'Only a simpleton would really believe in love.' Anthony Bridgerton was trying to comprehend 'Yes other people can grow fondly of one another and call it love but not me. I shall not marry for love, it is very unrealistic as it shall only do more harm than good.'

Anthonys thoughts were rudely interrupted by Harley their butler. "Excuse me My Lord but it is time to say your farewells to master Colin." Anthony looked up to the butler standing at the door to his study and it took him a moment to realize what he had said and then promptly dismissed him. "Ah yes, thank you for informing me Harley you may return to your days work now." Anthony says with his usual expressionless tone.

Anthony had stood tidied the papers on his desk and made his way to the hall and then through the hall doors into the entryway where his family had gathered. "Just in time Anthony, now let us all go outside" said Anthonys mother, Lady Violet Bridgerton just before she started to usher her large brood out the door. Seven of her eight children 'Anthony, Benedict, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth' and Daphnes husband Simon Bassets the Duke of Hastings  was also apart of the crowd. Once the family was outside the remaining Bridgerton was Colin he was who the family was dismissing, Colin was set to travel starting his tour in Greece and onward from there.

They're were heart felt hugs and teasing word as the family said their goodbyes. Once Colin had road off and the tears were wiped away Anthony, Daphne and Simon were left at the front gate. "Anthony we did not see you last night" Daphne asks, she is referring to Anthonys whereabouts during the last ball of the season which was hosted by Daphne and Simon the evening before. "Yes, I was feeling rather unwell, my apologies sister" replied Anthony " you two are now off to Clyvedon I presume?"

 "We have decided to stay in London a little while longer."Simon informs while gazing at Daphne. "take some time to enjoy ourselves, just the two of use" Anthony hated seeing love when he knew that he could never have it. "And you, what are your plans brother" Daphne asks.                    "Nothing if know it, other than finding and promptly declaring my intentions to my new viscountess of course" the Basset couple are quite shocked at his declaration of intended marriage, Daphnes eyes are wide and mouth is open she than calmly says "The viscount is ready to find and declare his intentions" Daphne then turns to Simon "did you hear that your grace " She turns back to Anthony and was going to ask who the bride shall be when Anthony interrupted and says "Doesn't matter, I have finally determined the difficulty love itself, removing it from all romantic relations will make me all the better for it no more distractions from responsibility or being waylaid from the sensible path, well anyway enjoy your time" and with that Anthony walks away leaving Daphne and Simon to converse.

Anthony has lots of time to think before returning to his study. 'gladly this season has ended and I shall be able to make an informed decision next season for their is no rush, yes my mind has made itself up at a swell time, I shall have lots of time to think of who I shall take as a bride and who will make the best viscountess of course.'   

~The Next London Season~

The London season has come upon London quite quickly, far faster than Anthony had expected.

"Eloise," Benedict called up the stairs "we will be late hurry up!" Benedict, Francesca, Hyacinth and Gregory stand in the entry of Bridgerton house waiting for Eloise and Violet to descend the stairs so they may make their way to the palace for the debutantes meeting of the Queen. Anthony had just walked into the entry to inform the others that the carriage had arrived he then questioned "Why are they not ready yet we really must be going?" He got no word reply but he had followed the gaze of the group, they had been watching the stairs, only to see an Eloise Bridgerton looking rather graceful, poise and rather like a young lady, but Anthony new of her ploy of not marrying and had hoped that the silly idea would vanish as soon as she debut.

 The meeting of the queen went rather well as she had been praised by the queen for her grace which had soddenly been bestowed upon her as Anthony had not seen it before. Even though Anthony had hoped she would change her mind she most certainly would not. The last two debutantes were entering and Anthony gazed upon the two both seemed young one with hair of gold the other a dark brown one was of fashionable height the other slightly taller. Everyone could tell that this family was quite possibly going to have the diamond of the season in their household and it was no secret which of the two debutantes it would be. Anthony had decided that the diamond of the season shall be his bride months ago and since the queen hadn't yet declared one he had a feeling that this beautiful blonde would take the label. 

"Miss Elizabeth Denver and Miss Katherine Denver presented by their mother and step mother  Lady Grace Denver" The announcer spoke. 'Yet, who was who?' Anthony and almost everyone else was trying to decipher which name belonged to the beautiful blonde? After the curtsies were through the queen stood from her throne and walked to where the girls were curtsied and raise their head she spoke to the brunette first complimenting her poise and etiquette, she then turned to the blonde and declared her a true beauty and their by she was considered the diamond of the season.

The meeting of the queen went quite well as the girls and their mother and step mother although she really was considered by all means Elizabeth's true mother as she married her father when Elizabeth was quite young only age 3 and her mother died a couple months prier. Her father Lord Harold Denver knew he should have waited the proper morning time but he knew that Elizabeth needed a mother. 

"Kathy you are the diamond of the season this is wonderful" Elizabeth said excitedly to her sister. "And you were said to be very poised and having amazing etiquette." said Katherine "Oh your father would be so proud of you both" said Lady Denver with a tear in her eye. The trio gave each other comforting hug. 

Lord Denver had died two years prior of what is considered old age. The Lord was only 56 but others have died younger than he, the family found it truly unexpected as the Lord had been in good health and then just seemed to grow old in less than a year. 

The Denver family had live in the country and had chosen to wait and have the girls debut together when it was Elizabeths age of debut Lord Denver had fallen ill and they didn't find it a good time to leave for London, the girls would debut together as to also save the small fund they were given on the passing of Lord Denver as the money was turned over to a uncle of Lord Denver as the family was only blessed with girls and no sons to inherit the fortune. But the family was still taken care of, it just didn't seem right to take the money for two London season instead of just one.

Elizabeth was the step daughter to Lady Denver and they did love each other as mother and daughter there was no separation, they were a family. 

"The ball tonight, hurry girls we must go home and prepare, it is your first ball after all!" exclaimed Lady Denver excitement. The girls walked to their carriage with gleaming faces 'My first ball' thought Elizabeth she was truly happy but she know that this ball would showcase Katherine and rightfully so she was a natural beauty in every way. ' I would just wish that I wouldn't have to be compared to Katherine for once.' Elizabeth loved Katherine dearly but people always compared the two.

Katherine and Elizabeth ran up the stairs of their apartment house and then into their rooms to start the preparations for the ball and as the time flew by they were ready. Katherine in a Rosie pink gown with a few gems adoring the short sleeve and Elizabeth was dresses in a navy blue dress that had gems along the trim of the gown.

They walked hand in hand down the hallway and into the entry where their mother was waiting.

"Oh, my darlings you look absolutely Devine!" Lady Denver spoke rather joyfully. "Thank you" they said in unison.

 Just like that they were off to the debut ball. The night surely won't be one the girls will soon forget.  

I Shall Not Marry for Love...or Shall I?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang