(9) Preparations

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Elizabeth returned to the house, ALONE. Anthony and Elizabeth didn't want the scandal to unearth itself. Elizabeth was bombarded with questions, Violet made the announcement to both the Denver and Bridgerton family, everyone had questions Eloise, Hyacinth, Francesca, Katherine and even Benedict and Colin but Anthony quickly took his brothers into his study and explained.

"You what!" Benedict asked looking quite shocked. "You heard him, he has dishonoured Elizabeth and is now forced to marry her." Colin answered. "How did Elizabeth allow you anywhere near her, she hates you." Benedict stated. "I didn't do anything bad, I just-" Anthony didn't wish to explain what really happened so he stopped. "What did you do, exactly?" Colin inquired. "It was all a misunderstanding, we were in an awkward position." "What position?" Colin asked slyly "Colin!" both Benedict and Anthony responded. "To much?" Colin asked sheepishly. "To much." Colin said under his breath. 

The house party had finished and the family's had departed Aubrey Hall. The Denvers stayed a couple extra hours to try and figure out wedding details, like floral arrangement and how log the blood train would be. Elizabeth was getting sick of all the question, "Would you like this or this." "We could do this or this." Elizabeth had enough and walked out of the sitting room, everyone had noticed her departure but they understood that she had, just gotten engaged that morning and everything had been rushed upon her. Only a few minutes tick by and Anthony departed from the room as well.

Elizabeth needed fresh air she made her way to the garden, it was now empty just her and her thoughts she liked it best that way. Elizabeth had picked a few flowers examining them and adding them to the small handful. Anthony had figured Elizabeth to be in the garden she hated being cooped up when the sun was shining. Anthony peered out the doors and just watched Elizabeth she was elegant, prideful, fiery and most of all kind, she would be the perfect wife. Anthony had never found anyone as breath taking as Elizabeth was at that very moment, he could see her holding their child, dancing and singing with them raising them to be great. Anthony had felt his heart flutter at Elizabeths every move maybe their forced proposal wouldn't be a burden after all. Anthony had slipped away before Elizabeth noticed him standing watching her.

~Two Weeks Later~

"Elizabeth is everything alright?" asked Lady Denver. "Is everything alright. In a few hours I shall be married to a man who doesn't love me. So yes everything is splendid." Elizabeth said sarcastically as she looked out the window a lone tear falling down her cheek. "Elizabeth, Anthony will be a good husband to you." Lady Denver said as she stood next to her daughter wiping the tear away. "But he won't love me." Elizabeth replied now turning to look her mother in the eye. "Did you know that I didn't love your father when we married, but eventually we learned too. Just because he doesn't now doesn't mean he won't ever." Lady Denver stated giving Elizabeth a tight hug. "But-" their conversation was cut short when their ladies' maid had entered to do Elizabeth's hair and makeup. "All will be well my dear." and with that Lady Denver kissed Elizabeth's forehead and headed downstairs.

"How do you feel?" Benedict asked as he walked into Anthonys rooms as he was slipping on his navy vest and his black coat. "Just fine." Anthony said harshly, his actions said other wise his hands were shaking and his movements were fast and awkward. "Really, I thought you would be nervous." Benedict said while turning to avoid Anthonys glare. "Well I'm not in the slightest." Anthony said while fidgeting with is coat collar. "Would you like some help?" Benedict asked after watching Anthony struggle to get the collar to lay correctly. "Yes." Anthony said in a huff. "Its normal to be nervous even for the groom." "I'm not nervous." Anthony said as Benedict finished with his collar. Benedict turned and said while walking out of the room. "I can see that."

Anthony knew he was nervous he just wouldn't admit it.

Katherine entered Elizabeths room just as the lady maid was applying some perfume, tying the look together. "You look stunning Beth." Katherine exclaimed and Elizabeth really did, the ladies maid did Elizabeth's hair up in a beautiful design, her cheeks were coloured with rouge adding a warm glow. Elizabeth had looked at herself in the mirror for a few seconds 'I look like a real bride.' Elizabeth thought, it brought a smile to her face. "Your life will be beautiful, I now it." Katherine was faint at heart and wasn't told the reason for the engagement. "Thank you Kathy." Elizabeth said with a pasted smile she didn't want her sister to have any reason to doubt love and marriage. "Shall we?" Katherine asked as she extends her arm to Elizabeth. "We shall." responded Elizabeth standing and taking Katherines arm. 

Before Elizabeth knew it she was in the carriage on the way to the church. Her heart beat faster and faster as they grew near. 

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