(3) Caller for Miss Denver

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After returning to Bridgerton house Anthony retreated to his study, he was disgusted that he allowed himself to behave in such away especially in public. 'I have made it much harder for myself, I have to get Miss Katherine Denver to marry me and it didn't help to talk to her sister like that.' Anthony thought as he took a swig of the auburn liquid in his glass. ' I must make this right I shall go over to the Denver house and apologize to Miss Elizabeth and then respectably be a caller for Miss Katherine.' With the glass now empty Anthony decided to retire even though he didn't usually retire this early, he thought this to be a trying day and wasn't in the mood to go to the gentleman club. Yet when he was laying in his bed sleep did not come instead he found himself having a strange thought, he felt as if he enjoyed conversing with that infuriating Denver girl. Slowly Anthony was slipped into a dream. A dream that needed to be squashed before it even started.

Back at the Denver house Elizabeth, Katherine and their mother left only minutes after the Bridgerton's as Elizabeth had complained of feeling rather unwell. "Beth, dear go up to your room and get some rest. Let's hope that you will feel better tomorrow morning you could have callers to tend to. 'I don't think so they will not be here for me ' Elizabeth thought as she did what her mother had said. She was now undressed and in her night gown sitting up in her bed. "You know you could probably get more rest if you were laying down." Katherine said as she sat down at the foot of Elizabeths bed. "What happened with the Viscount Beth?" Elizabeth sighs "Nothing, it's just that we aren't a good pair for conversation." Elizabeth didn't want to tell Katherine about what really happened as she hadn't even come to terms with it herself. 'Yes I may have been quite blunt but the viscount didn't need to talk to me like that.' " I see, I better go to bed as well, we may have callers in the morning." Katherine said excitedly before walking to the door and blowing a kiss to Elizabeth which was always returned. 'Yes I am outspoke but was I really that rude or was he the one being rude, oh how can I tell' Elizabeth laid awake, she knew that their conversation was not very proper and they were both very rude but she still found a way to enjoy it a little. Elizabeths eyes began to shut and she was whisked away into a fantasied world of make believe.



With the diamond named the season commences, this my dear reader will not be a season to forget.

-Lady Whistledown

Anthony woke, dresses and walked to the sitting room he had to observe all of Eloise callers that morning before he could continue on with his plan of swooning Miss Katherine Denver, lucky for him Eloise allowed Anthony to escort the remaining callers from the house. With his duty of man of the house subsided he walked to the flower shop to get a peace-offering and a courting gift. With the bouquet's in hand, he made his way to the Denver's House.

"Look at all the suitors Elizabeth!" Katherine said excitedly "I wouldn't except any less you are the diamond of the season after all." Elizabeth said while giving her a smile. The suitors had been flowing into the Denver house since early this morning. All had hopes of marrying the diamond of the season. Katherine conversed to a few of the young gentleman, she seemed particularly interested in a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes who Elizabeth has yet to be introduced too. Since the majorities of the men in the house came for Katherine, Elizabeth was getting rather bored, so she convinced her mother that she ought to take a walk in the garden for some fresh air. Elizabeth had walked out of the sitting room and walked through the halls and stopped at the front door she had opened the door only to find a man. "You." They said in unison, harshly. "Well yes of course I would be here, I live here, but you have no need." said Elizabeth sternly. "I have all the reason to be here." Replied Anthony. When Anthony spoke to Elizabeth it seemed that his only purpose was to annoy her and he was quite good at it. "Ah yes, you seem to think that Katherine will choose you, but really your title is all you hold, and she won't choose by titles." Elizabeth was trying to get the viscount to come to the conclusion that he won't win Katherine and should give up. "Well, I must say Miss Denver you have to understand I won't speak to Miss Katherine the same as I speak to you. Oh, and calling on Your sister isn't my only reason for being here." Anthony spoke playfully, trying to get Elizabeth irritate to the same extent he was the other evening at least. "And what possible could be the other reason for your visit." Elizabeth exclaimed. "My other purpose of my being here is to apologize to YOU, because I thought that I was in the wrong, but it has come blatantly clear that it was a joint effort from both parties." Anthonys plan of irritating her was reversing as he was the one irritated. "Well Viscount I didn't know you had it in you, an apology that is." Elizabeth said seeing that the viscount was getting annoyed as she spoke. "Well I must get back to my original purpose and call on you sister. Please accept this." Hastily Anthony brought the  pink and white bouquet in front of him waiting for her to accept them so he would be back on his quest. "You are not going to succeed with Katherine but I will accept, one would be quite pompous as to not except flowers." And with that statement Elizabeth took the flowers surpassing the viscount through the doors threshold, her hand brushed Anthonys and it was if her finger tips were set a blaze but she wouldn't let him know that and she continuing to walk to the garden that was on the side of their property the flowers in hand.

Elizabeth Denver was infuriating and she would not be the one he choose but the little touch of her soft hand against his, a burning sensation corses through to his tips of his finger.

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