(13) The Explanation

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Elizabeth composed herself when she heard foot steps coming from down the hall, she knew it must be Anthony and she didn't wish to have him see how he affected her, she wasn't ready to forgive him so she jumped up and stood to look at the window her face showing no emotion. 

Anthony stopped at the door before he pushed it open, he stepped in his eyes to the floor, he brought his gaze to Elizabeth, she stood across the room looking out the window. 

"I-" Anthony tried to say before he was cut off by Elizabeth. "I do not wish to speak with you." she said this coldly looking at the rising moon. "Elizabeth I hav-." Elizabeth had turned to glare at Anthony she cut him off again. "Anthony Bridgerton, I said I do not wish to speak with you, so please leave." Elizabeths voice never faltered she was stern and emotionless. Anthony shut his mouth but didn't move, her gaze was threatening and daring he almost though she wanted him to continue. "Alright, if you won't leave I will. " Elizabeth said grudgingly. Elizabeth walked towards the door which was blocked by Anthony, she went to walk around him but she was stopped by a hand on her elbow. "Anthony let me go." She said this slowly, any normal being would have done what she asked fearing her threatening tone, but Anthony knew that if he let Elizabeth go he would lose her forever. 

"I love you." Anthony spoke looking forward. Elizabeth was shocked by his statement and found it amusing. "You love me? Well, you sure showed it when you accused me of being a whore." Elizabeth said a she ripped her hand away, she wasn't finished. "You really showed me that when you left without notifying anyone where you were headed, yes Anthony I do believe you truly love me." Elizabeth said full of sarcasm. "Elizabeth I have been in love with you ever since I meet you." Anthony said a tear falling from his left eye. "Elizabeth I know you don't love me, and when I saw you and the gardener my mind had made up the worst scenario it could think of, I am truly sorry I made ridiculous assumptions without proof but my heart couldn't stand finding out." Elizabeth's emotionless face became a confused and hurt one, "Anthony you truly still believe I don't love you?" Elizabeth asked as a tear started to swell. "Anthony I could never be with anyone but you, and yet you still don't see that. Anthony I love you." Elizabeth said as tears had started to fall down her face. 

"Elizabeth." Anthony said before turning and wiping Elizabeths tears away, "I'm so sorr-" Elizabeth had once again interrupted him but this time he didn't mind it. Elizabeth had placed her arm around Anthonys neck and brought him into a searing kiss, her other hand placed upon his cheek. Anthony pulled away he needed to apologize to Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, I love you with all my heart, it wouldn't be fair if I don't ask your forgiveness for my ignorance, and obnoxiousness." "Anthony, if I saw what you saw I would have probably come the the same conclusion. You are forgiven on one condition." Elizabeth spoke with a soft tone. "Anything in my power." said Anthony. "That you will never stop loving me." Answered Elizabeth pulling Anthony back into the embrace whispering into his ear. "Happy Birthday, my dear." Elizabeth brought Anthonys hand to her stomach. Anthony took a moment to understand what she had been telling him. "Your...with my..." "Yes Anthony, we are going to have a baby." Anthony  knelt down to Elizabeths stomach kissing it through the fabric. "Elizabeth you are truly magnificent." Anthony stood up kissing Elizabeth again. "Oh." Elizabeth said pulling away. "We must tell the family." Anthony just grinned at her. "It's probably a good idea to show them that everything is fine." Explained Elizabeth as she took Anthonys hand. The pair walked out to the rest of the family who had choose to stay at the fountain. They all looked quite shocked to say the least. 

"Well would you look at that I thought Anthony would have you strung by the nearest tree by now." Remarked Benedict causing Colin to chuckle. Lady Bridgerton didn't hear the remark she was still looking at the fountain. Elizabeth had found out that the stone figures were Lady Bridgerton and Lord Bridgerton, and so she walked over to Lady Bridgerton taking her hand. "You must have truly been in love." said Elizabeth into Lady Bridgerton's ear. Lady Bridgerton turned to face Elizabeth, she had a tear in her eye, "Yes I do believe we were. Thank you for finishing this." replied Lady Bridgerton pulling Elizabeth into a hug, "Even if it did almost ruin your marriage. Thank you." Lady Bridgerton was known as being very calm and kind, but she didn't choose to show when she was sad, so the family was shocked to see their mother crying. "This could never have ruined my marriage." replied Elizabeth.

 "Also would you have room for another grandchild to love, I know Alexander is a handful and all, but I'm sue this one will be less chaotic." said Anthony ruining the moment, and once again shocking everyone. Everyone turned to Elizabeth, she just grinned. "Your...really?" asked Benedict. "Yes I am." answered Elizabeth, Lady Bridgerton had pulled her into another hug. "This has truly been an eventful night, don't you think." said Lady Bridgerton turning for the groups response. "Indeed, and I do believe it has me worn out." said Daphne pulling Simon with her as they walk back to the house. "Goodnight everyone." said Eloise who walked with Francesca a few paces behind Daphne and Simon. The younger children were sent to bed with Benedict and Colin who detested their new found bedtime. That left Lady Bridgerton and Anthony and Elizabeth. "My dear, this was an amazing surprise thank you." and with her thanks Lady Bridgerton followed the four grumbling 'children'. "I'm so sorry." Anthony had to make sure Elizabeth knew of his regret. " I know you are my dear, you may have been harsh and brash but I love you all the same." said Elizabeth stepping into Anthonys warm embrace. "I should have never though so poorly of you, I knew who you were yet my mind choose to forget." Anthony had brought his face to the crook of her neck softly kissing her skin. "Maybe, but we cannot change the past so let's better the future." Elizabeth replied turning around to look at the fountain, Anthony had stood behind her his chin resting back on her shoulder his hands placed holder her abdomen. "The future," he said softly into her ear. "will be beautiful, because I have you." No one brought out Anthony soft side quite like Elizabeth did. "I will love you for eternity my dear." said Elizabeth. "I will love you past eternity my love." Anthony said in boyish way. They truly both couldn't live without each other.

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