(10) The Wedding

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Elizabeth was brought to the back of the church as to enter in the side door, so no one would see her. Elizabeth's heart was racing as she stepped into the back room. She was told that the music would stat to play and the wedding would begin. Lady Denver gave her daughter a final hug and hand her off to her uncle, he would be giving Elizabeth away since her great uncle was far too frail.

The music began to play and Elizabeth stepped towards the door in with they would walk through, her heart was in her throat she couldn't breath but the doors opened and her feet began to move. Elizabeth reached the alter to where Anthony was turned away, Anthony had turned around catching Elizabeths eyes as he held out his hand, Elizabeth's uncle brought Elizabeth's arm forward and Elizabeth let go and took Anthonys hand in her own.

By how nervous she was before Elizabeth just stared into Anthonys eyes and was put into a calm state, it was as if it was only them in the room, Elizabeth felt Anthonys thumb grazing her knuckles. The voice of the priest breaking Elizabeth's trance, Elizabeth could hardly remember the ceremony she was so distracted, quickly the wedding was over and the party had begun.

The newly weds stood together at the Bridgerton house and received the guests congratulations, Elizabeths serenity was broken when her mother had taken her arm and lead her away into a bedroom, "Elizabeth, I have to inform you of what happens now." Lady Denver said looking to the ground every now and then. "You see you are now married and you will be living with Anthony," "Well yes I figured as much." said Elizabeth. "Well, what you don't know is what will happen tonight." "What will happen tonight?" Elizabeth asked with a look of confusion. "You will consummate the marriage, Elizabeth." Lady Denver said while looking at her hands. "What does that imply?" "Well you and your husband shall sleep in the same bed and well you will touch each other 'intimately'" lady Denver couldn't look Elizabeth in the eyes. "I beg your pardon? Like a kiss?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes a kiss and well your husband shall explain the rest tonight." Lady Denver took Elizabeth's hand and lead her back to the party.

The party was coming to a close and the newlyweds were to leave for Aubrey hall it would be the couples new home. The family and guests stood at the grand doors as they hugged and said goodbye to the couple. "I am to miss you, my dear." Lady Denver said as a tear rolled down her cheek, it was quickly wiped away. Elizabeth hugged her mother and then her sister. "I'm going to miss you too Beth." Katherine said into Elizabeth's ear as they did their final goodbye. Elizabeth was helped into the carriage and Anthony climbed in after her sitting on the bench with her. "Beth is everything alright?" Anthony noticed the look of confusion on Elizabeth's face. "Yes I am fine." Elizabeth said pasting on her fake smile again, when really she was distracted with her mother's words, 'your husband shall explain the rest tonight' Elizabeth hated it not knowing what would ensue.

The wedding couldn't have been more perfect, Elizabeth couldn't have been more perfect. Anthony was falling and it pained him that she didn't feel the same. The carriage ride was long and Elizabeth had closed her eyes and must have dowsed off as Anthony felt her head rest upon his shoulder.

The carriage arrived and it was dark outside, the couple had decided that meeting the help would be done tomorrow. Anthony whisper into her ear. "Come, my dear." "Where?" Asked Elizabeth. "To bed." Elizabeth didn't reply and Anthony had wrapped his arm around her waist and started to walk to the stairs. Elizabeth followed.

They stepped into the master bedroom  and Anthony let go of her waist to shut the door. When he turned back he saw the terror in Elizabeth's eyes. "Elizabeth, you are shaking, umm has your mother talked to you about this?" Anthony said bluntly. "Yes and no, she only told me that," Elizabeth paused "Well, She said you would explain everything." Elizabeth was breathing heavily it was as if her uncertainty was crushing her, Anthony explained in the only way he knew how, he steeped closer and pulled her to him, bringing their lips together as well, when Anthony kissed Elizabeth before he was forced to stop but now he wished to be with Elizabeth forever, loving her forever, pleasing her forever.

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