(Mini Story 1 Part 3) The Realization

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Katies mind was spinning, she couldn't understand why her parents never tried to figure out why Momma feared storms. "Momma, Papa, why don't you just ask Grandma?"  Elizabeth and Anthony sat both with dumbfounded looks gracing their faces. "I-I didn't think of that Kat." Elizabeth finally said. Anthony inwardly cursed himself for his own stupidity. "Well I think grandma would know." Said Katie who stood up to leave the room. "Momma, Papa may I go play with my brothers?" "Yes you may." Was Anthonys reply. 

Once Katie left Anthony looked at Elizabeth who turned and did the same to Anthony. Though while Anthony was scowling, Elizabeth was laughing. "What on earth are you laughing at, dear." "Anthony we were just bested by our 10 year old daughter." Elizabeth says through bursts of giggles. "Anthony sat there for a moment watching Elizabeth, and though he tried to fight it a smile came to his face. Without a care to even look to see if the door to the sitting room was open, Anthony leaned over to his laughing wife and kissed her. Elizabeth held the kiss until she realized that the door to the sitting room was in fact open, Elizabeth didn't quite have the same disregard for propriety as Anthony. "Dear." Elizabeth said as Anthony leaned back in and started peppering her neck with kisses. "Later please." Said Elizabeth with a giggle. "Oh alright." Said Anthony with a huff. "Anthony I think we should make a visit to my mothers." Anthony smiled then nodded. Anthony stood up and helped Elizabeth to her feet. Even through 11 years of marriage Elizabeth and Anthony still act like newly weds on occasion. 

Katie and her brothers were in the garden with Penelope and Colin when Elizabeth and Anthony showed up and told them they needed to make a quick visit to Grandma Grace's house and that she and her brothers were to be watched by her Uncle Colin and Miss Penelope, soon to be Aunt Penelope, because Colin and Penelope hadn't left for London yet. 

Katie had a fun time with Uncle Colin and Penelope. They spent their evening chasing Uncle Colin around the house and down through the forest near Aubrey Hall. 

It was nearing dusk and Elizabeth and Anthony weren't back yet. All the children were tucked into bed, but Katie wasn't sleeping. When she finally heard her mother and father return home it was well past her bed time.

Anthony went to check on the children while Elizabeth returned to their room. Anthony checked on the boys first who were sound asleep, Anthony gave each a kiss on their forehead. But when Anthony went check on Katie he found her sitting up in her bed. "Kat you should be asleep my sweet girl." Anthony said softly as he went to sit beside Katie on the bed. "I know but I wanted to wait for you and momma to get home." Said Katie innocently. Anthony smiled and kissed Katies hairline. "Well we're back now, you may go to sleep Kat." said Anthony tucking Katie in. "What did Grandma say Papa?" Asked Katie who was now laying down. "Grandma said a lot Kat. We can tell you in the morning alright." Anthony said smiling. "Alright papa. I love you goodnight." Katie closed her eyes and adjusted herself on the bed. "Goodnight Kat, I love you too."

The next morning Anthony and Elizabeth explained to Katie that the reason Elizabeth was scared of storms was because she had a bad experience with them when she was small. Elizabeth and Anthony thought to leave out the fact that the bad experience involved Elizabeth witnessing the last dying breath of her mother as a lightning strike hit their house. The experience had traumatized Elizabeth as a child and horrified Anthony upon hearing of the reason so much so that he would rather not have any of his children hear it even when they become older.

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