(4) The Invitation

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After many days of balls and callers the next morning the tons was wishing for something different. And the letter sent inviting the family's to the Bridgerton's country house Aubrey Hall, this was very different. The Denver sisters had never attended a Country house party before it was all new to them.

"Anthony would you please look over the guest list and see if I missed anyone of importance?" Lady Bridgerton asked, handing him the narrow paper riddled with names of beautiful debutantes and their family's and the names of gentleman used to keep numbers even. Anthony was sitting in his study going over important papers before his mother had entered. "Looks complete to me, mother." Was Anthonys only reply as he hastily handed the list back to his mother and returned to the papers in front of him. "Alright then in two days time the family will journey to Aubrey Hall and the guests will arrive the day after that." Lady Bridgerton told Anthony. "That is correct." Anthony confirmed to his mother. "I shall get the help to start packing up the children's clothing, if you will excuse me." And with Lady Bridgerton's response she was off.

The days flew by and the Bridgerton family had made the journey to Aubrey hall and even though the property wasn't to far from the town, it seemed like a whole new world one could get lost in.
Anthony loved Aubrey hall, but this was the place he lost the one man he looked up too. The late Viscount Bridgerton had died when Anthony was 18 and Hyacinth was not yet born. He died of a bee sting, who knew it could take down a strong man in his prime.

Elizabeth frankly was dreading the idea of being at the Bridgerton country home for three days, as she would have to dine, converse and see Anthony Bridgerton, who would no dought continue to try and win Katherines affection and as much as she wouldn't like to admit it he was doing rather well at that. Even with Elizabeths constant disapproval Anthony was getting closer than Elizabeth would have liked him too. Elizabeth had yet to meet Lady Bridgerton and was quit concerned as to what the meeting could ensue.' She did raise Anthony after all.' Elizabeths mind was riddled with thoughts of the inevitable events that were too ensue, that was till the carriage came to a stop in front of a grand house. Katherine was not impressed by Elizabeths lack of enthusiasm, and practically pulled Elizabeth out of the carriage.  "Elizabeth" Katherine whined. "Would you please pick up your feet." And Elizabeth, Katherine and their mother walked up the steps and in thought the doors of Aubrey Hall.

 "Lady Denver," Lady Bridgerton called out, Lady Denver  had walked and given Lady Bridgerton a small hug "Lady Bridgerton always a pleasure. Are we the first to arrive?" asked Lady Denver . "Yes, I should say you are. Hello dears," Lady Bridgerton said as she turned and grasped the hands of the sisters and gave a warm smile. "How do you do Lady Bridgerton, we have yet to make you acquaintance." Katherine said with a smile. "Yes that is truly a pity, well I'm sure we will be well acquainted in the next few days, but now I'm sure you are all tired from you journey, please I shall have..." Lady Bridgerton began to speak but was interrupted by Anthony as he came from a side room, he was reading a paper and hadn't noticed that guests have arrived. "Mother, Should you think that Hyacinth and Gregory would be interested in..." Anthony stopped as he looked up. "Oh my apologies I hadn't realized guests had arrived." Anthony had been quick to greet Elizabeth and Lady Denver but stopped at Katherine. "Miss Katherine, a pleasure" Anthony spoke kindly, then turned to Elizabeth and grinned, a boyish grin one that made Elizabeth rethink about agreeing to attend this party.  

"As I was say, you all must be tired, I shall show you to your room, your bags will be delivered shortly." Stated Lady Bridgerton as she linked arms with Lady Denver, they most defiantly knew each other personally for sometime. Elizabeth took Katherines arm and followed up the stairs turning to give a distasteful look towards Anthony who stood in the entryway watching them make their way up the stairs. Elizabeth thought she hurried him chuckle making her tighten her grasp on Katherines arm. "Elizabeth, what are you doing?" Katherine pleaded as she broke Elizabeths tight grasp and relinked their arms. "Sorry" Elizabeth whispered.

The family had done what Lady Bridgerton  suggested and had all took a rest. Elizabeth was the first to wake and was wanting to explore the grounds of Aubrey Hall. Elizabeth walked down the grand stairs and out the grand doors in which they entered. She had turned to the right of the property to where she had see a small lake upon arrival. The lake came into view and something else as well. Elizabeth saw Anthony in the grass field beside the lake playing a game of tag with his siblings it was a strange sight indeed. Before Elizabeth could duck away without being noticed the group and Anthony looked up to see her standing watching them.

Before Anthony could say anything Benedict was waving Elizabeth over to the group. Benedict and Elizabeth had conversed a few times and she could say they were becoming friends as Benedict was much more agreeable than Anthony. Anthony didn't know why but he didn't mind his bother calling Elizabeth over. "Elizabeth, we were just enjoying the sun." Benedict answered. "I can see that." Replies Elizabeth. "And what would you be doing Miss Elizabeth." Asked Anthony. "What game are you playing." Elizabeth asks ignoring Anthony. "I believe its tag but Anthony doesn't seem to be tagging anyone." Benedict replies. "Alright." Anthony said before lunging for me tagging my arm and running off. "Im not even playing." Elizabeth calls. "It seemed now you are Miss Elizabeth." Anthony calls as he and Hyacinth are standing under the trees. Without a reply Elizabeth starts to chase Gregory, catching up to him and tagging his arm. "Gregory is it." Hyacinth wailed. Gregory began to target Hyacinth and Anthony. Anthony having longer legs was able to get away, and ran into the trees. Elizabeth and the others had already entered the trees at the other end. 

The trees were groomed well and felt more like a garden than a forest. Elizabeth Heard Gregorys and Hyacinth hollers as they were chasing through the trees. Elizabeth had look back to see the young figures, but while still running she hit something and it knocked to the ground. Elizabeth still dazed looked up to see what she had fallen atop of, it was a person, a man, it was Anthony. Elizabeth gasped as she rolled off of atop the viscount, standing on her knees Anthony spoke. "Your size is deceiving." Anthony now sitting up rubbing the back of his head. "Well maybe you just topple over easily." Elizabeth heard Hyacinth coming and jumped to her feet and ran behind a hedge she stood beside a stone bench out of view, leaving Anthony to get caught. "I have gotten you Anthony." Hyacinth said smiling. "Why are you on the ground." As Anthony stood he replied. "oh I just tripped. Now you better run before I get you." And with that Hyacinth vanished into the trees. Elizabeth Stood watching she new she should run away but her feet didn't move. "Elizabeth." Anthony spoke. "You should get back to the house." his tone was cold. He had to get her to leave, if they were caught alone he would be forced to marry Elizabeth and he couldn't do that. Elizabeth took a few steps back and then turned and started to run to the tree opening and then back to the house the others were still chasing around in the trees. 

Elizabeth stood at the large doors and collected herself, luckily Lady Bridgerton had instructed all the guests the same as she did her, to take a rest. All were still sleeping or in their rooms, that is all except the help and Lady Bridgerton. Elizabeth thought she shouldn't continue her exploring of Aubrey Hall so she made her way up the stairs and found her room. The house party would begin at dinner. 

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