(6) Pall-mall

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"Their he is!" Daphne exclaims. Colin is run down the hill from the house." Really Colin we have been waiting ages." Daphne chastised. "Sorry about that, let's start the game, Hello Miss Elizabeth glad you could join us." Colin respond out of breath, he see the only mallet colour left is pink and gives a frown at Anthony and asks "Where is the purple Mallet?" "Don't look at me, I don't know where it is." Anthony said defensively, he is lying Elizabeth saw him put the purple mallet back into the shed under a blanket, but she isn't going to say anything Colin was late after all.

"Oldest to youngest or youngest to oldest?" Anthony asked. "I believe I'm the second youngest here and I wish to go last to watch the game before my turn, so oldest to youngest?" Elizabeth stated "Smart strategies it's just that I'm the oldest, I guess it's my turn." Simon said grudgingly. "Alright Simon you want to hit the ball towards the first wicket." Colin instructed. Simon lined up and hit the ball bringing with 15 feet to the wicket. "Hooray Simon!" Exclaimed Daphne. "No cheering." Anthony shouted. "It's his first time playing." Daphne protested. Anthony responded with a low huff. "My turn." Anthony proclaimed. He lined up and and walked the ball hitting a tree that was feet away from the first wicket Anthony just smiled "Aright Daphne your turn." said Simon. " Alright." after Daphne it was Benedicts and next Elizabeths turn. "Alright Elizabeth you're up." Daphne said with a wicked smile. "Do I not even get a practice swing?" Elizabeth asked. "Simon didn't get a practice swing so neither do you." Anthony proclaimed. "Alright then." said Elizabeth fiercely. Elizabeth stood, lined up the mallet and hit the ball with all her might, it dropped at the same tree Anthonys did rolling right up beside his. "Oh no." was all that Daphne said. "What is oh no." Elizabeth asked as she walked over to the tree. Daphne didn't say anything just looked at Anthony who was smiling wickedly. "My turn." Colin said. he rushed his turn and so did Simon, it was now Anthony's turn. Anthony walked over lined up and placed his foot on his ball looked at Elizabeth and swung sending Elizabeth's blue ball flying. "What, NO." Was all she could get out. Elizabeth scowled at Anthony and then strolled down to where her ball had landed.

Elizabeth was at least three wickets behind everyone and she had lost hope of winning. Elizabeth was keeping herself occupied looking at anything and everything. Elizabeth heard a shout and looked up to see a ball flying toward her she jumped just in time before it bashed into her ankles it would have surely broken the bone. When she stood back up she realized who's ball had been sent flying and couldn't help herself from laughing as it was Anthonys black ball, he would surely have a hard time winning now, but maybe Elizabeth could get payback.

 Daphne was shouting with glee only to have Anthony glare at her, Anthony made his way down to where Elizabeth had been standing. "What happened I thought you were winning." Elizabeth said mocking Anthony. Anthony choose silence. "Well it seemed to be my turn."Elizabeth says turning to Anthony. "You wouldn't do that ,you would have to sacrifice yourself." Anthony pleaded. "Ah, but I have no chance of winning you on the other hand..."Elizabeth said drawing out her sentence. Elizabeth lined up drew her mallet all the way back and hit he ball causing her ball to hit Anthony's whose was sent flying down, down, down, right down, into the lake.

"I won,I won!" Elizabeth yelled the others cheering her on and running down to where they were. "You did not win." Anthony yelled. He was furious. "Oh it feels like I have won!" Elizabeth said slyly. "Well I think that tops this years match, should we put the course away." asked Benedict. "Yes I believe this year has been won by Elizabeth." Daphne replied. "Also you should see if you can get you ball, it didn't go into the middle like the last one it should be on the edge." Anthony turned on his heels and Elizabeth followed they were going to get the ball and the others would clean up the field. "You did not win." Anthony made a point of saying. "Everyone else seems to think I have." Elizabeth said mockingly. "It doesn't matter lets just see if we can find the ball." Said Anthony.

"Do you see it?" Asked Anthony. "No not-Oh there it is just a foot from the side."Elizabeth said excitedly. "Great who is going to go in and get it." Anthony asked. "Well I could but you would look rather pompous." Elizabeth enquired. "Yes." Anthony said, while removing his boots and jacket, rolling up the bottom of his breaches he had stepped into the mud bottom lake and walked, picked up the ball and in the process he had gotten completely soaked. He walked back to shore and pulled his boots back on and grabbed his coat. "Lets go, I don't enjoy being soaked." Said Anthony in a controlled tone, which was incredible considering he was furious. The pair walked back up the hill to the shed to put away their mallets and balls. While placing the mallets in the shed Elizabeth saw the old blanket and grabbed it, wrapping it around Anthony. They stood close really Elizabeth should step back but she couldn't that was till until Anthony had cleared his throat and said "We should get back to the house." Without another word Elizabeth had shut the shed doors and started walking to the house Anthony had fallen behind as Elizabeth was lost I thought.

'That must never happen again.' Elizabeth had declared in thought. 'What ever that was it won't happen again.'

"Their is one good thing about you sinking my ball, everyone will be talking about you and everyone will forget that Daphne did the same the year before." Anthony said with a small chuckle. 'I'm cold, wet, humiliated, and angry yet I'm chuckling. It was Elizabeth.' thought Anthony  'But it can't, what ever effect Elizabeth has on me won't matter I need to put all my focus on Getting Katherine to marry me. "And what has your sister said about me?" Anthony asked snapping Elizabeth out of her trance. "She said, she will never marry you." Elizabeth said harshly. "And why is that" Anthony asked. "She won't marry you because she doesn't love you." Elizabeth answered. "And you believe in love?" Anthony questioned. "Yes I do." "how disappointing and I thought you were highly intelligent." "And why do you refuse to believe in love?" Urged Elizabeth. "Because." said Anthony. "Because why?"  "Because I can do this." Anthony said as they passed a tree a couple yard from the house and pressed Elizabeth against it, her breath caught, he placed both his hands on the tree so she shouldn't escape and continued. "And even though you don't love me your breath caught and your mind is telling you want something more." Anthony was leaning in close to Elizabeth now. "Anthony please." Elizabeth pleaded. "Don't worry I wouldn't risk your purity, but you understand my point?" Anthony asked. Elizabeth nodded and Anthony removed his hands from the tree allowing her to walk free. 'He is right what every I every felt for Anthony wasn't even close to love and my heart is racing from the shock of this whole experience nothing more.' Elizabeth walked fast to the house it was lunch soon and she didn't want to be alone with Anthony anymore. Anthonys thought as his heart was racing, even though he knew what he was doing she still made his heart race.  

I Shall Not Marry for Love...or Shall I?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें