(Mini Story 1 Part 2) To Scream and To Tremble

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Katie was having trouble sleeping so she decided to go for a walk around the house. The house was silent except for the light rain falling, though it will most likely turn into a storm. She walked light on her feet wrapped in her dressing robe. 

She walked up the hall to the large window her parents door to her right that was slightly ajar. She stood looking out the window for a while till the rain grew harsher, as she was about to walk back to her room she heard a stir in her parents room then came harsh screams that shook Katie to the bone.

Katie ran to the door without thinking. Pushing the door open she saw her mother sitting straight up in her bed being held by her father who was trying to comfort her.

Her mother was shaking violently her eyes held tightly shut.

"Papa?" Said Katie, her voice quivering. Anthonys head shot up to where his daughter stood on the verge of tears. "What's wrong with Mama?"

Anthony and Elizabeth had been so carful not to let the children see her like this. Anthony cursed himself for he must not have shut the door completely for it is sound proof when completely shut.

Anthony waved Katie over, Elizabeth still in her sleeping state of terror, though she no longer is screaming she is still trembling. With Elizabeth in one arm Anthony took his free arm and hug his daughter. "Shh it's okay, mama is okay." Anthony assured Katie. "Then what is wrong?" Asked Katie as a tear fans down her cheek. Anthony sighs and wipes her tear away. "Mama is afraid of storms." Said Anthony as he kissed Katies hairline. "She will be alright once the storm stops."

Katie calms down after hearing this. "Can I hug Mama?" Hearing this almost breaks Anthonys heart. 'A child shouldn't have to ask if they can hug their mother.' Anthony nods to Katie who moves over to her mother and gives her a tight hug, Anthony joining in on the hug soon after.

The three sat like this for nearly an hour when finally the rain had ceased and Elizabeth no longer showed any visible fear, Elizabeth didn't wake she stayed asleep as Anthony laid her body back down onto the bed. Anthony stood up pulling on his robe taking Katies hand and saying calmly. "Lets leave her to rest okay." The pair walked back to Katies room. Anthony tucked Katie in gave her a kiss on the forehead and said "We will explain everything in the morning, me and your mama. Okay?" Katie gave a tired nod and kissed her fathers cheek giving him a big hug. "I love you Kate." Said Anthony as he stood at the door. "I love you too Papa." Replied Katie with a small smile. Once the door shut Katie fell fast asleep. Her body tired from all the excitement.

As Anthony returned to his room he found Elizabeth awake a new set of tears forming in her eyes. "She saw me, didn't she." Said Elizabeth the tears streaming down her face. "Yes." said Anthony as he walked to the bed and pulled Elizabeth into a embrace. He was going to say more but she interrupted. "Anthony we tried so hard not to let them see it and now my own daughter is afraid of me!" Elizabeth was blubbering, her body shaking anew. "Beth, oh my Beth. She isn't afraid of you, just like I'm not afraid. She loves you." Elizabeth brought her hands up around Anthonys neck her face nestled into it. "I said we will explain better in the morning." Anthony's statement seemed to calmed Elizabeth down immensely. Through many kisses and rubs to the back, Elizabeth finally began to sleep again and Anthony wasn't far behind.


Katie woke up to the sun shining through her window.  In her morning haze she thought the night before was just a dream but it became clear that the nights incidents had truly happened. When she saw her mother and father standing at the door. Her father walked in firsts, he then turned and held out a hand for her mother to take. Katie sat up watching her parents enter. Her father came and sat on the foot of the bed her mother stood beside him.

"Katie..." Anthony took a pause to look at Elizabeth.  Elizabeth had a tear welling in her right eye.  Katie stood and embraced her mother in a tight hug. "Its okay Momma." Said Katie to that Elizabeth broke out in tears. Anthony still held Elizabeths hand and squeezed tight.


"Wait, so you don't know why you are afraid of storms?" Elizabeth just nodded. "And you haven't tried to figure it out?" Elizabeth gave Katie a questioning look. 

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