Chapter 1

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"Joy , today is the first day of the rest of your life",I say to myself.
I am leaving my home of 4 years, at 23 years old, I get to finally live my life by my rules. I am Joy Vale, and this is the story of my adventure and life.

As I get in to my new SUV , with my life belongings packed in to the back, I set out on my journey. 2500 kilometers away, five day long trip to Kingstown,  a beautiful picturesque tropical city, far away from my old life. My beloved cousin Mica has opened up his home to me. Mica is my only family that I am in contact with, the only family I want in my life. He is the only person to stand by me throughout my ordeal, he's my best friend , my confidant and my most trusted family. He and I have been each others closest support throughout our lives, and now we are outcasts together.

After a three days journey, I have arrived, Mica, Dale and Brian are waiting in the driveway  to welcome me.

I feel such warmth and love from them.
These guys are in a committed loving relationship, they are kind and generous; I love them to bits, but I don't want to impose myself on them for too long.
I have applied for several jobs online. My lack of higher education and experience leaves my options very limited.

I take the first week to familiarize myself with the area. I organize my financial and legal documents with the help of Micah.  And now I am all set to start my new life without  the  burdens  of  my  past.

Today I have an interview in one of the more affluent neighborhoods of Kingstown.

I have applied for a housekeeper position which comes with  accommodation, if I get this job I can move out of Mica's home.
I arrive at the address given, and before me is the most magnificent building, I am in awe looking at this mansion before me, it is breathtakingly beautiful. I walk up to the door, and ring the door bell, it takes about 2 minutes and the door opens,  I am met at the door by an elderly woman, with a kind and gentle face and a most inviting smile.

Grace who is  the current housekeeper interviews me, she is a kind lady, with a pleasing, gentle smile and a professional attitude. She informs me that the job requires me to be a live-in housekeeper and to be on call 24 hours a day. I will have a room in the main residence in order to see to the needs of the masters.

I accept the position , it is exactly what I need right now, I don't have much of a social life, and keeping busy will be a great distraction.
I am informed that there are four men who live here, they are brothers and have high standards. They demand absolute loyalty from the people around them.

After much deliberation,  Grace informs me that she is considering me for the position, but, to be sure she will be giving me a one month a trial run at the job.

Grace asks me to move in over the weekend, and start to shadow her from monday for a month, learning how to run this house.

I return to Mica's home , and start packing my things for the second time in a month.

I prepare a feast for the four of us, as a thank you to them. When Mica gets home I inform him of my new job, and he is not happy about it;
"Honey you can do so much better, why do you want to be a housekeeper. Come and work in my office," said Mica.
"Mica, I know you care about me, but listen, this is a good job, it pays well and I am not going to be a housekeeper forever. I am enrolled in some online classes, and I know I have you if I ever need help. But understand I need to become independent, for me, please,  pleeeease." I say.

He finally gives in to my begging, and says," promise me that if you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable,  you will come back." I agree with him and promise to call him daily.

"Enough of this, come see what I made. Let's party today. " I say, as I pull him in to the kitchen.
Today I prepared all their favorites. Roast leg of lamb with crispy roast potatoes and gravy. A beef lasagne with a crisp green salad.

I open the oven and I am so happy, the garlic loaf looks perfect.
Mica looks like he just walked in to food heaven.

" Joy", he screams clapping his hands and dancing like a lunatic." This is food porn, it cannot get better than this."

"Oh but it can!", I  say as I lift the lid of the cake dome revealing my special death by chocolate fudge cake.

"I think I died, and went to food heaven " says Mica as we hear the front door open.

Dale and Brian enter the kitchen, and look between Mica and I.

"What is the occasion? AND Why is there so much food ," says Dale.

" if you are eating that , you better be ready to work out hard today," says Brian.

Poor Mica, looks like a kid who got his favorite toy taken away. " nooooooo not today. We are celebrating my new job, so today we are partying,  I made all your favorites, " I said. 

" please Dale" I say as I pull out his favorite marbled cheesecake, drizzled with raspberries.
" You are playing dirty, Joy" whines Dale.
I go back to the oven and pull out Brians weakness, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
His mouth just drops open, " oh hell! We gonna end up in a food coma today." Said Brian.

We spent the rest of the night, eating, laughing and just having fun. After we cleaned up. I did the rest of my packing, ready to leave the next day.

Brian gives me a hand held taser, and says" Joy, don't be afraid to use it, if you feel threatened, zap and run. And if you get into trouble,  don't worry, your cuz is a lawyer. "

Dale give me pepper spray, and says" spray and run, and again... you got a lawyer"

Mica just hugs me and says," you know that you are welcome here anytime, and make sure to call me everyday, if you don't. I will come to you. Do you understand?

I cannot help but smile and nod my head.

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