Before Yunho had to rise from his seat and assert dominance, San detached himself from Mingi. With his hands held in the air, he returned to his seat. He put one hoof over his knee as he regarded them.

Mingi took a moment to calm down again. Both Yunho finding him attractive and San's sudden closeness had overwhelmed him. Once he got his wits back together, he returned to Yunho. With a patient smile, the man bowed his head to allow Mingi access to his horns.

"In that case, he is no threat. I'll make sure that next time, you'll be awake when I kiss you. You are not needed anymore in the morning, servant. It's my pleasure to wake Yunho myself as long as I stay here." His smile reminded Mingi of that of a wolf. It spelt danger.

Yunho was unfazed by it.

"I can't stop you from that. But Mingi will be here every morning anyway to bring me my breakfast, so don't expect I'll let you rope me into anything."

Intrigued, San stemmed his chin on his hand.

"Then all I have to do is visit you in the evening, no? Once your servant went to bed, we have all the time for private conversations." He batted his lashes coquettishly at Yunho.

While repelled by his inability to read Yunho's reactions and bring up understanding for his rejection, Mingi also wondered how Yunho could resist the other prince. Choi San was an embodiment of sexual appeal, and so very seductive towards Yunho. Mingi suspected if he were the target of San's stares and teasing words, he would fall onto his knees like a fool to fulfil the man's every wish.

Cool and resilient like a rock in the stormy sea, Yunho stood once Mingi was done. Quick, Mingi scurried back into a corner, unsure if he was allowed to stay for breakfast with San around. From how the other man already pounced on the two bowls Mingi had brought, he clearly assumed one was meant for him.

Or he didn't assume and just decided. The intelligence behind San's mischievous eyes was scary.

"I'm sorry, Mingi, but could I ask you to notify Jongho of our trip today? You get ready by yourself, we'll meet with you at the stables after breakfast."

Mingi forgave Yunho immediately. From how trapped he felt in the tension between the two princes, leaving might be the better choice either way.

When Mingi nodded quickly and scurried off, San got comfortable on the couch with Yunho. He winked at Mingi as he pulled the door shut behind him. As soon as the dark wood created a barrier between the two princes and Mingi, the spell was broken.

Ruffling his hair, Mingi cursed himself. His heart fluttered at the idea of Yunho kissing San back, thinking it was Mingi. How easily he would have agreed with that, not that Mingi would ever dare.

Giddy with his daydreams, Mingi hurried down the stairs. He heard Yeosang laughing in the dining hall with a few gruff male voices. Guessing that Jongho might be there, too, Mingi peeked his head in. Indeed, the round-faced guard sat among his friends. Yeosang stood on the side, clearly caught up during running an errand. When Mingi neared them shyly, Yeosang's face lit up in a grin.

"Greetings, Mingi! We barely see you around; is Yunho working you to the bone?"

When Mingi came to stand next to Yeosang to be just as out of place as him, the knight next to Yeosang reached out to wrap his hands around Yeosang's hips. With a grunt, he pulled the man on his lap to make more space. Yeosang's giggle lightened the mood.

"No, not at all. But I do like spending time with him whenever he offers to stick around." Meek, Mingi played with his hair. The table cooed at him. All of them shared the same knowing gaze.

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