-Yeosang, just sit already. You can’t even stand straight.”

Sighing, San looked at the fox, who was standing up and was trying to walk. He mostly looked like a baby tripping.  

-Come oooon, I just want to explore the room!”

San took a deep breath, and got up at his turn to walked beside the fox. Grabbing his arm when he was about to fall miserably on the floor. He didn’t think that this night would end up with a drunk fox, his tolerance of alcohol wasn’t strong as his.  

-Don’t touch me, I can fall by myself!”

-I was trying to help you, Yeosang.”

He held his arm strongly, he wasn’t ready to just let him what he wanted.

-Thank you, now I don’t want to fall anymore. Now help me, but not too much.”

-What... it that even suppose to mean?” San sighed, Yeosang was really something.

-I dunno, figure it out.”

Yeosang responded, letting his body fell on every angle possible like the earth was having an earthquake.

-I’m not letting you drink anymore.”

-You’re not my dad.”

-Yeosang I swear, don’t push it too far.”  

San was having enough and just took the poor drunk boy in his arms in a bride style and slowly put him back on his cushion. Yeosang simply giggled and laid his back on the floor looking at the ceiling. Why did the ceiling looked this funny?

-Me I don’t say aaanything when you push into me. Why can’t I?” He turned his head to the side with a pout.

-That’s it, nap time. We are going back in my room.”  

-Boooriiing gnnneeee.”

Without saying anything else, San took the poor blond that was laying on the floor like he was a dead body. Luckily, he was strong enough to lift him up and swung him on his shoulder. He felt mostly relieved when he finally managed to bring the fox in his room and dropped him on his bed. It wasn’t a good idea to just let him alone in his room, or annoyed Yunho with that. He took his time to take off Yeosang clothes, since he would probably feel hot that night with that much alcohol inside his body.  

-Naughty naughtyy master, you’re so dirty... Don’t touch meee...”

But... Yeosang only contradicted himself and took his master’s hand and put it on his tits and moved it across his chest in a messy way, moving it everywhere on his chest. San giggled and took his hand off easily from him, and put the blanket who was beside him over his head.

-You should sleep instead. Or you want to get fuck?”

-Yes. Nooo...Maybe. Yes. Wait... Noo...”

-Ok ok, sleep now.”

San took his own hanbok off at his turn and laid beside the other boy, ready to sleep since the night and Yeosang attitude exhausted him. And it wasn’t even over.  

Because You Are My First Love |||sansang,Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now