The submissive girl you are to this man you punched her once more and stepped back. "Okay."

The punch launched her to the ground and she looked up at you and coughed, "You little-!" 

"Will you just shut the hell up, Sylvie!?" Loki yelled at her as she helped herself up. "How about you make yourselves useful and one of you make a distraction while I try to control the force of the smoke." 

Sylvie smirked, "Since (Y/N) has no powers like both, you and I, how about (Y/N) becomes the distraction while we both try to grab it, Hm?" She walks towards him and starts to summon her power.

Taken aback by the little shit you replied, "Oh? Are you being a little piss baby all of a sudden? Too scared, Sylvie?" 

She scoffs at you, "Of course not, I'm the only one who can actually help Loki right now. Now hurry up and distract the dog before you get us killed." You looked at Loki and he was focused on the dog rapidly approaching you all and you gulped. 

"Fine! Just be ready." You ran off to the left at a top speed. "I fucking hate that bitch."

"Alright, doggo, let's tango!" You pulled out electric batons that the TVA had given you. 

As you began running to the left, you started to see a massive Illusion of Asgard start to form in front of you. Standing in the middle of the illusion was Grandpa Loki. "No! Grandpa Loki, no!!" You pumped your legs faster than before. "Stop it!"

He teases the dog by retracting certain parts of the palace, which angers the dog more. "It's okay! The sun will shine on us again!" Then in a split second the dog runs through the illusion and consumes him whole, only leaving his burnt helmet. 

You slowed into a walk, then stopped. "No... No!" Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes seeing your new found friend, another alternate of Loki, die right in front of you. 

Then all of a sudden the dog turns and looks at you. "Shit." You put your batons up in front of you. "Oh god..."

The smoke starts to rush at you faster than you expected. "Oh shit! Hurry up, will you, Loki's!?" You scream at the Loki duo.

"Keep it up, we almost have control, (Y/N)!" Loki yelled at you, his face contorted in a sort of focus.

You nodded. "Okay! Anything for you!" Then all of a sudden you tripped over a rock that laid out in an empty field of dust. "Fuck!"

You turn onto your butt watching as the dog rushes at you like a swarm of people at Walmart on Black Friday. "Oh god, hurry it up!"

"SHIT!" You yelled as the dog lunged at you.

But in a matter of seconds the air around you turned green, signaling that they had taken control of the dog and found the temple which held He Who Remains. 

You let out a short laugh, you survived. By mere seconds.

"Are you okay, darling?" You look up to see Loki standing above you with an arm extended down towards you. 

"Yes. Yes. It was nothing really." You grabbed his hand and stood up. "Thank you."

He grinned his infamous grin, "No, thank you for being the distraction. It took a lot of guts, didn't it?"

Nodding you turned to follow him inside. Sylvie kept whispering harsh words at you but you ignored her. 

You approached an elevator and you were greeted by a man.

"Oh great. You're here." He stated as he sat on a bench in the elevator. The three of you pulled your weapons out and aimed it at his neck. 

"You're dead!" Sylvie yelled as she went to swing at him. In a matter of seconds he teleported before the weapon even touched where he last was.

"I am He Who Remains. I can see anything you do before you even do it, so don't even try it." He spoke as he stood in front of the door, it opened to an open office space. The window behind the desk in the middle of the room showed the time ripple outside.

"How are you here?" The man spoke as he looked you in the eyes. A slight hint of fear surfaced in his eyes as he continued to gaze at you.

"Oh, I'm from the TVA. I had a life before this." You spoke and lowered your weapon.

He fumbled with his fingers. "You don't seem to understand... You aren't suppose to exist... at all."

You furrowed your brows, "That must be wrong, I had a life before this. I was friends with Loki actually." You let out a short laugh.

"You would really believe the God of Mischief?" He spoke and folded his arms, continuing to look at you, almost trying to figure you out.

You cocked your head to the side, "What is that suppose to mean?" You looked over at Loki and he just had his gaze set on the floor. "Loki?"

The man laughed at you. "To be quite frank, I'm terrified of you." He leaned forward. "You, my good friend,"

You gulped at his words. 

"You simply, do not exist."

Your face paled. "H-How? There's no way..."

The man laughed a nervous laugh. "Let me explain."

"How is she physically here if she doesn't "exist" then?" Sylvie asked as she took a seat, baffled.

The man cleared his throat. "Well let me explain first, damn..." He shook his head, "Anyways, you're simply just an illusion. Which is strange since you have a physical body. Which means you, well, your soul, is in a dead body. You are not suppose to be here, so you took haven in a body. It's quite disrespectful if I say so myself." The man babbled as he took a seat.

You collapsed into your chair. This couldn't be real? Could it??

"L-Loki?" You choked out his name.

He looked up at you. "I'm a bloody liar, (Y/N)." His face held no emotion as he spoke to you.

Sylvie's face held a bit of remorse but was covered up quickly by more confusion. "Then what is she?"

The man groaned. "Like I said. She does not exist. I have no clue how this happened but she is not suppose to exist in our reality, so she therefore cannot stay here." 

The man stood and stalked towards you, "No-no. Please, can we figure this out-" You stumbled out of your chair to get away from him. "Please!"

Loki abruptly stood, "Stop it." 

Sylvie stood and stopped him by pressing a hand against his chest. "She must be the reason the time is warped this bad. " She shoved him down into the chair. 

"This is quite fascinating, really. You were able to fool me, He Who Remains. You had me terrified for a few seconds there..." He pulled his arm back and then laid his pointer and middle finger in the middle of your chest, where your heart lays.

Your mind began to race with utter panic, and all you could think of was, I am not real to them.

You took one last glance at Loki, his eyes held so many emotions. You then glanced at the woman, she had her body guarded in front of him, protectively. Lastly you looked back up at He Who Remains.  His face was so calming. Like how a father would look upon his child as he woke them up from an afternoon nap.

This was the last thing you heard from him.

"Now wake up."

Marvel ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora