New Directions Are Finished

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Jamey Outfit

Jesse Outfit

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Jesse Outfit

Sebastian Outfit

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Sebastian Outfit

In New YorkAt NYADAIn The Dance Class

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In New York
In The Dance Class

Jamey was back at school after staying at home for a few days. He remembers him and everyone telling Sebastian that he and the others were done with school and they are no longer at McKinley. They even made up a story about why is Sam living there in the house and Jamey remembers Sam's face the whole time he was sad that Sebastian has no memory of him. They didn't even tell Sebastian that he and Sam are a thing they were thinking it was best not too. Jamey closes his eyes, he was happy that his brother was okay but he lost a lot of his memories. Carmen walks into the room making everyone stop what they are where doing. Carmen walks over to Jamey who opens his eyes to see her in front of him. Carmen hands him a Golden Ticket to Carmen Tibideaux's Winter Showcase. Jamey looks at her shocked that he was handed one, Carmen smiles at him and she leaves the room. Jamey looks back at the ticket as everyone in his class giving him pats on the back. Jamey was trying to be happy but he can't not after learning his bother lost his memories.

In Ohio
At McKinley

Finn and Jesse were walking to the choir room and they see Cheerios taking out the chairs that were in the room. Jesse and Finn enter the room to see the Cheerios taking down everything. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wha-What's happening? What are you doing?" Finn asks Sue as he and Jesse walk over to her. "Hey, there, Lumps. Just taking advantage of the high ceilings on this, my new rehearsal space. It is now the home of my brand-new French-Canadian, circus-inspired Cheerios! Side project, Sue du Soleil. Get rid of all this sparkly red stuff. It still smells like the Glee Club in here." Sue said to the Cheerios. "What are you talking about?" Jesse asks her. "Well, when your season ended, with your loss at Sectionals, I filed the appropriate paperwork so that the Cheerios! Take full possession of this room, including everything in it...your trophies, your beloved plaque with the late Lillian Adler." Sue said while taking the plaque off the wall. "And I took her inspirational quotation, and I re-engraved something for myself here. I died a slow, horrible death choking on the fluid in my own lungs." Sue said and she puts the plaque in a box. Jesse walks over to the box and she takes it out and holds it close to her. "You can't do this." Finn said to Sue while Jesse walks over to Finn. "Oh, I didn't do this. You did this, and now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take your Nationals trophy." Sue said and she picks up the trophy. "And I'm going to run over it with my Le Car." Sue said and she was about to walk out but Finn takes hold of the trophy. "Over my dead body." Finn said to her and they start pulling the trophy. "Figgins' office. Now!" Sue said and they walk to the door. "Watch the door." Jesse said to them and they low the trophy and they walk to Figgins' office.

In Figgins Office

"How could you have let this happen?" Will asks while holding the plaque. "It's not rocket science, Will. When the football team loses and the season is over, they are longer entitled to use the field!" Figgins said to him. "Fine. We'll use the auditorium." Jesse said to him. "The auditorium now belongs to the McKinley High Drum and Bugle Corps." Figgins said to her. "The what now?" Jesse said to him. "What about the Spanish Room?" Will asks him. "I've rented it out to the Rotary Club." Figgins said to him. "The history classroom?" Finn asks him. "Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous." Figgins said to him. "You're telling me that there's nowhere in this school that the Glee Club can rehearse?" Finn asks him. "That's exactly what I'm telling you, Finn Hudson." Figgins said to Finn and he looking at Jesse, Will, and Finn all together. "It's pure economics. The district is running a seven-figure deficit, and we're sitting on prime real estate." Figgins said to them. "Let's face facts. The New Directions are finished. You have no place to practice or perform. The only thing left to do is to hand over the keys to the choir room and inform your students that Glee Club is over for the year." Sue said while walking over to them. "And if that's too much for your feeble constitution, I'm happy to do it for you." Sue said to them. "No. I'll do it." Finn said to her. "Will don't make that face."Sue said to Will who looks at her. "At least your son is alive." Sue said to him. "Yeah, but he doesn't remember what happened to him. He lost his memories." Will said to her. "Perfect time to tell him about why the choir room is empty." Sue said to him and Finn hands her the keys. "He not going to understand." Will said to her while looking down making Jesse rub her dad's back.

Later In The Choir Room

Sam walks into the choir room to see Sebastian sitting on the stairs. "Hey, Sam." Sebastian said as Sam walks over to him. "How are you doing, Sebastian?" Sam asks him while sitting down next to Sebastian. "I am still getting the fact in my head that my brother is in New York and that I don't understand why we lost." Sebastian said to him making Sam nod. "Do you remember anything about me?" Sam asks him making Sebastian look into Sam's eyes. "No." Sebastian said to him making Sam look away from Sebastian with a tear going down his face. 

A little later, everyone arrives and Jesse sits down next to Sebastian. Jesse looks at Sam to see he was crying a little while wrapping his tears away. Will, Finn, and Quinn walk into the room and they tell everyone about what is going to happen now. "So, that's it? No more Glee?" Rory asks Will and Finn. "Until next September." Will said to him. "Sugar already bailed." Artie said to them. "Can I just say what everyone is thinking?" Tina asks everyone. "This is Marley's fault." Tina said making Jesse look at her. "Really, Tina?" Jesse said to her. "What? We lost because of her." Tina said to her. "Enough Tina." Quinn said to her. "It's not like it's over. The holiday concert is later this week, and we are going to be preparing for it all week long. If this is our swan song, let's make it the best one it can be." Finn said to them. "You really expect us to go up in front of the whole school and parade our loserdom for all to see?" Kitty asks him. "Yeah, Kitty does have a point. We agreed to do the show when we thought it would be on the heels of another Sectionals victory. Now it just feels like a pity party." Artie said to them. "I love to sing and dance as much as anybody, but without a competition to prep for, it's hard to get motivated." Tina said to them. "I understand that we need a little shift in perspective, but let's just enjoy this week, and look forward to our big comeback next year." Finn said to them. "That's right." Will said agreeing with Finn. "What about those of us who won't have a next year?" Sam asks them meaning that it was Sam, Sebastian, Jesse, Brittany, Artie, Tina, and Blaine who are graduating this year.

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