Grease Cast

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At McKinley

At the end of the day, everyone was waiting for the list to see who they will be playing as in Grease. Finn, Quinn, Jamey, Kurt, Mercedes, Artie, and Mike walks over to the board and Finn pins the list on it. Finn walks away so everyone can see it.

Brittany walks to the list first to see her was Cha Cha. "I am Cha Cha." Brittany said to them and see walks away while giving Jesse a high five. Tina walks up to the list and sees she was Jan. Tina looks at Mike and gives him a smile. Jesse walks over to the list to see she was Frenchy. Joe looks at the list to is he was Doody, he nods and walks back. Sam walks over and smiles when he sees he was playing Kenickie. Sam looks at everyone. "All right, all right." Sam said in Kenickie's voice. Wade walks up to the list and sees she was playing Rizzo. Unique smiles and walks away to stand next to Jesse. Blaine walks up to the list and sees he was playing Teen Angel. Jake walks to the list to see he was Putzie, Ryder walks over when Jake walks away to see he was Danny making him smile. Marley walks over to the list to see she was Sandy making her happy. Kitty walks through everyone to see who she is. "Patty Simcox?" Kitty said looking at the list and she turns to everyone. "Patty Simcox? Who the hell is Patty Simcox?" Kitty asks them. "I don't understand. I pray really hard about this." Kitty said to them. "Maybe God didn't hear you because he was busy helping people with cancer." Joe said to her making Kitty look at him. "Shut it, Avatar." Kitty said to him and she looks at Jake. "This is all your fault. You screwed up Hand-jive." Kitty said to him. "No, I didn't. We were both great. It just didn't work out." Jake said to her. "I've been hearing that a lot lately from you." Kitty said to him and she walks away hitting Marley's shoulder. "Oh. One little thing, honey boo boo. I know a good, hot meal is hard to resist, especially when you're on the free lunch program but remember, the stage always adds at least ten pounds." Kitty said to her making Jesse walk over to Marley's side. "In your case, it's close to 90. So, when you and your mom, strawberry hugryake, are dumpster diving for your costume, keep on picking till you find something slimming. Like a back hefty bag." Kitty said to her and she walks away. "What's up her butt?" Sebastian asks them while putting his arm around Sam.

Before everyone leaves, Tian wanted to make sure the outfits were perfect for everyone. Marley was in her dress but it was not fitting her so Tina was helping her. "Okay, hold on and suck in." Tina said to her and she tries to fix it. "I am. I don't understand. This fit yesterday." Marley said to her. "Maybe it's stress bloating. I get it all the time." Tina said to her. "Is something wrong?" Jesse asks Tina while walking over to them. "Her outfit is not fitting." Tina said to her while trying to fix it, as the other girls walk over. Kitty walks over to them making them look at her. "I thought you quit because your part was too small." Sugar said to her. "Well, Spread Hawk Nose, to quote Shakespeare, There's no small parts, only fat actresses." Kitty said to her making everyone look at her. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just say "fat?" I was distracted by Marley's unfortunate and very noticeable weight gain." Kitty said to them. "You're not exactly an oil painting yourself." Jesse said to her making Sugar and Brittany laugh while Jesse and Kitty look at each other. "I'm confusion, are you playing the lead in Glease or hairspray?" Kitty asks Marley. "I swear, I'm not eating any differently. How is this happening?" Marley said to them while Jesse helps Tina. "I usually don't believe in the lamestream media's definition of "science," but it just makes sense that your metabolism is grinding to a halt." Kitty said to her while Tina walks away to get something. "You're getting the body you were destined to have. I had to accept how I am. I spend almost every weekend alone because everyone just assumes that the popular girl's busy." Kitty said to Marley. "So, in the spirit of Grease, I thought it would be good way for us to get to know each other if we had a sleepover." Kitty said making the girls shock to hear that. "Sleepover?" Sugar said to her. "Tonight, my place. Just us girls." Kitty said to them. "Can I come?" Unique asks her. "I'm not going if Unique is not invited." Marley said to Kitty. "Please?" Sugar asks Kitty. "Ladyboy can come." Kitty said to them making them smile. "But if I catch you hiding your dinky between your legs and prancing around like Silence of the Lambs, you're out." Kitty said to Unique who smiles at her.

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